4.36 Textbook of Enginnering Drawing------------------
Fig. 4.52 Trammel Method
o QO
intersect the major and minor axes circles at 1,2, ... 12 and 1',2^1 , ••• .12' respectively.
- From 1 draw a vertical line (parallel to CD) and frOID I' draw a horizontal line (parallel to
AB). Both intersect at Pl.
S. Repeat the abve and obtain the points P 1 ' •••• PI2 corresponding to 2 and 21, ... 12, and 121
respectively. - Draw a smooth ellipse through PI'P 2 '·····PI2' Pl.
Problem: A ground is in the shape of a rectangle 120 m X 60 ID. Inscribe an elliptical lawn in it to
a suitable scale.
Solution : (Fig.4.54)
Fig. 4.53 Concentric circles Method