On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

because water and air are very different
physical environments, the simple mixing of
air into the whites creates an imbalance of
forces that also tugs the proteins out of their
usual folded shape. All these unfolded
proteins (mainly the globulins and
ovotransferrin) tend to gather where air and
water meet, with their water-loving portions
immersed in the liquid and their water-
avoiding portions projecting into the air. Thus
disturbed and concentrated, they readily form
bonds with each other. So a continuous, solid
network of proteins pervades the bubble walls,
holding both water and air in place.

Early   Egg-White   Foams:  “Snow”  and
How to Break Whites of Eggs Speedily
A fig or two shred in pieces and then
beaten amongst the whites of eggs will
bring them into an oil speedily: some break
them with a stubbed rod, and some by
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