On Food and Cooking

(Barry) #1

wringing them often through a sponge.
— Sir Hugh Platt, Delightes for Ladies,
Eggs in Snow
Break the eggs, separate the whites from
the yolks, place the eggs on a plate with
some butter, season them with salt, place
on hot coals. Beat and whip the whites
well, and just before serving throw them on
the yolks with a drop of rosewater, the fire
iron underneath: sugar, then serve.
Another way: You may put the yolks in
the middle of the snow that is made with
your whipped whites, and then cook them
before the fire on a plate.
— François Pierre de La Varenne, Le
Cuisinier françois, 1651
To Make Italian Biskets
Take a quarter of a pound of searsed
[sieved] Sugar, and beat it in an Alabaster
Mortar with the white of an Egg, and a

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