The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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196 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that thrives in damp conditions, living
on the dead skin cells of the feet, especially between the toes.

f Drink pau d’arco inner bark decoction.

f Dust the feet with equal parts of any of the following fi nely sieved
powders: neem leaf, lavender fl ower, chickweed leaf, garlic, and black
walnut leaf or goldenseal root.

~ Follow all the general advice for candidiasis, including the dietary ad-

~ Whenever possible, wear only cotton or silk socks. Otherwise, wear
natural-fi ber shoes.

~ At night, soak your feet for twenty minutes in 1 tablespoon black
walnut inner hull tincture or decoction, 10 drops tea tree essential oil,
2 teaspoons cider vinegar, and 1 quart hot water in a foot bucket or
basin; then use cold water to rinse.

~ Avoid swimming pools and changing your socks or walking barefoot
in public areas.


Boils are pus-fi lled nodules caused by staphylococcus bacteria infection.
Found generally on the buttocks, face, neck, or under the arms, they are
very painful and often contagious. Children and adolescents are
commonly affected. Boils need both internal and external treatment.
They are a sign of toxicity and low immunity, leading to bacterial
overload. You need to work on the immune system, lymph system,
bloodstream, and any elimination channels that may be causing or
contributing to the situation.

  • Avoid most beverages, but drink plenty of water with fresh lemon juice.
    f Use a formula of nettle leaf, burdock root, echinacea root, and bar-
    berry root bark as a tincture.

f Use eczema herbs as an ointment.

~ Home remedies include placing baked onions and pummeled raw
white cabbage leaves over the boil.

~ Use a drawing poultice:^1 ⁄^2 cup bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar
(enough to make a paste), 2 drops tea tree essential oil, 2 drops laven-
der essential oil,^1 ⁄ 2 clove garlic, mashed.

brain clarity

Forgetfulness can sometimes come with old age or simply be a result of

diseases 196

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