The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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diseases 197

stress and overwork.

  • Drink plenty of water.

  • The brain uses a lot of essential fatty acids. Superfood contains them
    and a glass taken morning and afternoon can keep your brain alert
    and blood sugar levels up.

f Use a combination of three parts prickly ash bark, two parts ginkgo
leaf, and one part each rosemary leaf, gotu kola root, and lobelia leaf
as a tincture or tea.

(^) ~ Keep your vascular system clear of plaque, be it composed of calcium
or fatty deposits, as this clogs and slows circulation, hampering the
thinking process. A lack of blood fl ow, oxygen, and nutrients to the
brain can have disastrous results, and toxemia can result as the body
deposits toxic substances in the brain.
~ Liver and bowel cleanses can do much to encourage brain clarity and
alleviate forgetfulness.
~ Exercise is vital for proper brain function and oxygenation.

breast lumps — cysts, fibroids, and mastitis

We are taught to feel around our breasts after each menstruation to see if
anything lumpy can be found. If lumps are movable and come and go
with the period, then, we are told, they are generally nothing to worry
about. By contrast, if they are solid but not particularly painful, if at all,
and do not come and go with menstruation, you should seek further help.
Breast tissue is fatty and is intended to produce milk for babies. The
breasts change shape and content throughout our lives, according to
fl uctuating levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. It is these
hormone fl uctuations that can cause swelling and water retention, pain, and
even fi brocystic lumps that painfully move around in the breasts. These
symptoms generally occur premenstrually, settling down with the onset of
menstruation; pregnancy and menopause can also make breast lumps
decrease. It must be remembered that most lumps are benign (non-
malignant) and that many thousands of women — almost one in
three — have them at some stage.
For noncancerous conditions

  • Avoid tea and coffee, as the caffeine they contain is estrogenic and
    will encourage unwanted cell growth.

(^) - Drink plenty of water daily.

  • Eat soy-based foods, especially tofu.

  • Take chlorella tablets or superfood, or both.

  • Follow the dietary and cleansing program suggestions for endo me tri-

197 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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