The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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diseases 199

f Other herbs to use include pokeweed root, cleavers leaf, pau d’arco
inner bark, elecampane leaf and fl ower, edible lichens, fennel leaf and
seed, pine needles, thuja leaf, and echinacea root.

f Additionally, Iceland moss and Siberian ginseng root are antimucus
and antiviral, and they will help to support the body generally.

~ Use essential oils of eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, and
cubeb in the bath, for massage, or inhaled.


Bursitis is a condition in which the small water-fi lled cushions between
the tendons and bones in various places on the body — especially the
knees, elbows, hips, and shoulders — become infl amed. It can be caused by
an accident, wear and tear, a tendency to arthritis or rheumatism,
allergies, or even calcium deposits.

(^) - Should the problem become chronic, adopt the same dietary program
as for arthritis and rheumatism.
f Helpful anti-infl ammatory herbs include pau d’arco inner bark, tur-
me ric rhizome, and dong quai root.
~ A compress using St. John’s wort fl ower oil and a hot castor-oil pack,
followed by a cold shower and cold packs, can bring relief.
~ Stop or limit any activity that aggravates the infl ammation and pain.

candidiasis and oral thrush

Candidiasis, a parasitic, yeastlike fungal infection, is something that many
women (an estimated one in three) have had or will have at some time in
their life. Men frequently harbor it too, but without being so aware of it as
women. Increasingly, children are becoming prone, sometimes from birth
or after vaccination — especially if they are given the triple or multiple
vaccines when they are very young, when the immune system is
vulnerable and easily overwhelmed. Antibiotic usage also compromises
the immune system and thus invites fungal infestation. Parasitic invasion
often goes hand in hand with it, especially fl atworms called fl ukes,
introduced via pets, undercooked meat, and other sources.
Low hydrochloric acid levels and general poor digestive powers are
very often a strong causal factor in candidiasis. Candida infestation can
occur anywhere in the body and is frequently found in the mouth,
stomach, bowel, vagina, or anus. But it is by its very nature a problem,
infesting the entire body. It thrives in damp, humid conditions. Disease
and hormonal changes in the body, such as during pregnancy, can
instigate an imbalance in the gut and bowel fl ora, allowing the fungus to

199 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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