The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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198 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

o sis and for ovarian cysts and uterine fi broids.

f Take evening primrose oil or some other source of GLA daily.

f Throughout the month, use herbs to strengthen liver function, bal-
ance the hormones, and maintain the lymphatic and immune systems.
A good formula would be equal parts of squaw vine leaf (and other
aerial parts), chaste tree berry, milk thistle seed, olive leaf, and mul-
lein fl ower.

f Sometimes extra progestogenic herbs can help during PMS, espe-
cially if the premenstrual time is diffi cult (anything from 7 to 10 days
before the period). Take one teaspoon chaste tree berry tincture on
its own early morning in addition to the monthly formula — see “The
Hormone Arrival” in chapter 8.

f Drink three cups of dandelion root tea daily, as it will alleviate water
retention. If water retention is excessive, add corn silk and other kid-
ney herbs.

~ Exercise to stimulate the circulation and give greater energy^ —^ for
instance, power walking, dancing, and cycling.

~ Warmed poultices from powdered herbs can be used in extreme situ-
ations: two parts slippery elm inner bark and one part each of ben-
tonite clay, pokeweed root, cayenne pepper, fresh garlic puree, and
charcoal crushed into a powder and moistened with castor oil. Apply
at nighttime and leave on.

~ Take hot and cold showers, especially over the breasts.


Acute bronchitis is an infection of the bronchi. Chronic bronchitis is
caused by frequent irritation of the lungs from cigarette smoke,
pollutants, cold damp weather, or tissue damage from old infections; it
can also be caused in part by excessive mucus buildup in the lungs.
Symptoms include pain in the chest, coughing, fever, chills, and sore
Refer also to “Coughs” and “Sinusitis” in this chapter, and to “The
Respiratory System” in chapter 9.

  • Remove wheat and dairy products from your diet. Depending on the
    severity of your bronchitis, get professional help to tailor your diet
    beyond these general suggestions.

f Mullein fl owers help to reduce mucus and soothe infl ammation. Add
a little eucalyptus leaf (using a three-to-one ratio) and drink as a
strong tea, three times daily.

f Take a few drops of lobelia leaf tincture every few hours.

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