The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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218 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

f Treat the nerves. Use chamomile fl ower tea. Take fi ve drops of lobelia
leaf tincture at high-stress times — up to ten times a day. Valerian root
and passionfl ower tincture will be invaluable to calm quickly and to
promote a peaceful, easy sleep. Take one teaspoon of skullcap leaf
tincture three times a day for three to four months as well.

~ Practice deep breathing.

~ Take walks, practice yoga, or dance.

~ Use relaxing essential oils in the bath.

~ Watch funny, nonserious television programs.

ear infections

Common causes of infl ammation and swelling in the ear canal are food
allergies, especially to dairy products, bacterial invasion of the ear, or a
buildup of earwax. Ear infections are common in babies and children.

  • Avoid wheat, dairy products, and sugar, if possible, and investigate
    any other food allergies.

f Ear infections are best dealt with by using Dr. Christopher’s B & B
ear formula (see chapter 11). This formula helps to clear the actual
infection as well as the lymphatic system and sinuses. Always warm
the formula to body temperature before use. Mastoiditis, which is
caused by an abscess or boil in the middle ear, can also be treated with
this formula, as can ringing in the ears.

~ Avoid swimming while suffering from an ear infection.


Eczema is a skin condition that may make the skin hot or cold, dry or
suppurating. Each type must be treated accordingly to its symptoms and,
depending on its severity, may require more individual and specialized
help. It can be caused by food allergies and is likely to indicate ineffi cient
digestion, particularly low levels of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, and a
sluggish liver. Stress will exacerbate the problem, as will a delicate
nervous system. For more advice, refer to “Dermatitis” and “Psoriasis.”

  • Cold, scaly skin will best be helped by keeping to a diet of slow-
    cooked, warming foods, including grains and root vegetables, with
    additional warming ingredients such as cinnamon.

  • Wheat and dairy products are common problem foods, but ensure
    that the soy foods and soy milk you substitute do not cause allergic

  • Drink lots of water daily.

  • Foods with oxalic acid can cause disturbances, so be aware of sources

diseases 218

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