The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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diseases 219

such as tomatoes, oranges, gooseberries, strawberries, and rhubarb.

  • Use virgin olive oil in cooking and raw on salads, the latter with apple
    cider vinegar; both are good for the skin.

f Flaxseed oil (rich in omega-3 fatty acids) is a good supplement; also
use evening primrose oil (GLA), for omega-6.

f Immune- and nervous-system herbs will be important — olive leaf,
echinacea root, chamomile fl ower, skullcap leaf, and a little lobelia

f Digestive herbs like meadowsweet leaf and fl ower, blessed thistle leaf
and fl ower, and aloe vera juice will be vital.

f Use blood-cleansing herbs, such as a mixture of two parts burdock
root, one part red clover fl ower, and one part dandelion root.

~ Use eczema ointment (see chapter 11).

~ The liver, bowel, and stomach all need attention in terms of function,
cleansing, and support.

~ Destressing by dancing, exercising, and meditating is ideal.

Infantile Eczema

Sometimes babies are born with eczema — in which case, the mother, if
she is breast-feeding, must be treated as above.

f Tea made with very small amounts of simple herbs like burdock root
and meadowsweet leaf and fl ower can be put into a bottle and given
to the baby separately, if the baby can drink from one. If not, then the
mother should drink the tea two or three times daily.

edema (water retention)

Retaining excess water in the body is a problem that women in particular
are prone to, especially premenstrually. Both men and women can be
susceptible, however. Particular “holding” areas are the fi ngers, under the
eyes, and (thanks to gravity) the ankles and feet. Water retention may be
one of the many symptoms of a faulty or congested liver. It can also be
connected to the hormone system, the heart, and the kidneys. When the
liver becomes overburdened with toxins, it cannot keep up with its work
and so passes on the job to the kidneys, which in turn may overload and
stagnate. The same applies to an overburdened circulatory or lymphatic
system. Constipation, diabetes, and thyroid problems can also cause
edema, so individual diagnosis and treatment will be necessary.

  • Avoid refi ned salt, unless you are told specifi cally not to do so by a
    practitioner. Avoid foods that exacerbate the problem, like dairy and
    wheat products.

219 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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