The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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diseases 221

in young girls, however, which does suggest a genetic link. While the
causes of endometriosis are not really understood, recent information
suggests that a poorly functioning immune system might, in part, be
responsible. If the immune system is not functioning properly, any
invasive straying cells, which should be instantaneously killed off, are not.
Instead they travel through the bloodstream or lymph system and are
deposited in other organs, such as the lungs.
If this disorder is caught early, many positive steps can be taken, but
treatment must be very committed and consistent. Orthodox methods of
surgery and drugs can be used, but male steroid drugs like danazol, which
prevent menstruation, have alarming side effects. Many patients feel very
depressed on it, and an increasing number of doctors prefer not to use it.
As in pregnancy (another suggested “cure” for endometriosis), it is
designed to work by giving the body a chance to stop menstruating.
Another treatment consists of giving synthetic progesterone, but this does
not suit all women or even help the situation.
Symptoms can include pelvic pain — especially at the times of ovulation
and menstruation — irregular or excessive menstrual bleeding; backache
(lower back especially); painful lovemaking; infertility; discomfort in the
stomach, small intestine, and large intestine; painful urination; prolonged
menstrual bleeding; and constipation and diarrhea in fl uctuation.
Areas that should be considered when treating endometriosis are as

  • Maintain a good diet of whole grains, vegetables, and plenty of citrus
    fruit. Include superfood.

  • Avoid meats, dairy products, and eggs that have been produced using
    synthetic hormones.

  • Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, as they also produce extra estrogen.
    Avoid alcohol because it harms the liver, which must remain healthy.

f For excessive bleeding, use equal parts of yarrow leaf and alfalfa leaf.
(With the supervision of a qualifi ed herbalist, the herb beth root
could also be used.)

f There is always a possibility that infection may be lurking. To deal
with this, use barberry root bark at the beginning of the program.

f Liver herbs like wild yam root, barberry root bark, cinnamon stick,
dandelion root, and milk thistle seed will be essential.

f The immune system should be functioning effi ciently; include herbs
like pau d’arco inner bark, chamomile fl ower, and echinacea root.

f Use endocrine herbs to balance and tone the system (avoiding those
that encourage estrogen production). Use a combination of two parts
each of squaw vine leaf (and other aerial parts) and chaste tree berry;

221 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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