The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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222 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

and one part each of nettle root, sarsaparilla root, Chinese licorice
root, and red raspberry leaf.

f For excessive cramps and pain, use equal parts of lobelia leaf, pasque-
fl ower, black cohosh root, and cramp bark.

f For pain herbs, try corydalis tuber and poppy petal tincture.

~ The colon, liver, and kidneys will all vitally need to undergo cleansing.

~ Lose weight if you need to, because fat stores estrogen. Take a daily
dose of GLA and spirulina to facilitate weight loss and help with
pains and cramps. Increase fi ber in your diet; this also absorbs estro-
gen and helps remove it through the bowel.

~ Use vaginal pessaries (see chapter 3) every third night and douche
with herbs at least once a week — these methods will help the body to
rid the area of localized infection and encourage the regrowth of
normal tissue.

~ Hot and cold showers and sitz baths will help to maintain circulation
in the womb area; this is vital for the healing process.

~ For pain, use a hot castor-oil pack over the area.

gastric ulcers

Ulcers are very often the culmination of long-term stomach problems
that many doctors believe often result from untreated bacterial infection.
The resulting excessive acidity can literally burn the stomach walls, leaving
them infl amed and even bleeding. These problems can also mean that the
mucous membranes of the gut wall are no longer able to function in a
healthy way, so that acid and digestive enzymes come in contact with the
wall and erode, disturb, and irritate. The result is an ulcer, which is very
painful. A condition known as leaky gut syndrome can also develop, to
which the body responds by increasing barrier protection. This
“armoring” produces a further complication of larger-than-normal
molecules being absorbed by the gut, which in turn creates an immune
response and a generalized allergic reaction. Both conditions should be
treated in the same way.

  • Start each morning with a glass of springwater and fresh lemon
    juice — this combination eradicates excess hydrochloric acid and re-
    moves any lingering food from the night before. It can also encour-
    age the correct production of hydrochloric acid.

(^) - Foods should be easily digestible and nonfatty, with no highly fi brous
food, nuts, or cooked spices.

  • Include culinary herbs such as fennel, garlic, caraway, tumeric, mint,
    ginger, and basil, to aid digestion and ward off bacterial opportunists.

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