The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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diseases 247

~ A neck oil applied over the affected glands can be comforting: try a
mixture of^1 ⁄ 2 teaspoon lavender,^1 ⁄ 4 teaspoon eucalyptus, and^1 ⁄ 4 tea-
spoon tea tree essential oils in a cup of base oil (olive oil is fi ne); warm
it through, then apply and hold over the glands with a muslin cloth.
You might add some mullein fl ower tincture to this hot compress, as
it is an excellent lymph decongestant.

muscle cramps

Severe cramps can occur at any time, but they most commonly occur at
night. They mainly involve the legs (especially the calf muscles) and feet.
Muscle cramps often affect children and adolescents in the form of
growing pains. Women also suffer from menstrual cramps. Pregnant
women and the elderly also commonly suffer from cramps. They can be
caused by many things, including calcium, magnesium, iron, and vitamin
E defi ciencies; anemia; dehydration; or poor circulation. For some
people, cramps indicate a liver or gallbladder problem, so seek out a
professional diagnosis if the cramps continue.

  • Eat foods rich in calcium and magnesium (see chapter 4); B vitamins,
    especially B 6 ; and vitamin E.

  • Take herbs and foods rich in iron. For further information, see “Ane-
    mia,” above.

f Use equal parts of lobelia fl ower, cramp bark, and pasquefl ower tinc-
tures. This combination will quickly relax the individual and reduce
the spasms.

f Include herbs that are rich in calcium and magnesium: black cohosh
root, boneset leaf, cramp bark, nettle leaf, and red raspberry leaf; add
valerian root for the fi rst three nights to induce sleep. Chaste tree
berry is also a relaxant and can benefi cially balance the hormone system.

~ Moderate or increased exercise will help, increasing circulation and
oxygenation of muscles.

~ Using a hot water bottle for womb and other cramps can help, or hot
and cold showers over the affected areas.

nephritis and glomerulonephritis

Nephritis and glomerulonephritis are systemic infections originating in the
kidneys. They are very often accompanied by fever, so correct fever treat-
ment is important. I’ve known dangerously high fevers to rage, in particular
with nephritis, and permanent damage to eyesight and other areas may fol-
low if it is not carefully treated with the help of a practitioner. All of these

247 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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