The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

(singke) #1

diseases 261

ally, and then bandage the area. If the psoriasis is on the scalp, treat
during the evening and cover with a cotton bath cap, washing off be-
fore bedtime.

~ For less severe psoriasis, use plantain leaf and chickweed leaf, along
with other herbs, such as mahonia root, marigold fl ower, and black
walnut leaf, in an ointment.

~ A dusting powder can help alleviate itching. Use equal amounts of the
following powders: lavender leaf and fl ower, chickweed leaf, mari gold
fl ower, yarrow leaf and fl ower, chamomile fl ower, and plantain leaf.

~ Avoid all ordinary shampoos, and stick to those which are gentle and
designed for such conditions or those containing low doses of appro-
priate essential oils with enriching, soothing, and pH-balanced soaps.
Avoid any shampooing when not completely necessary, and do not
use soap on the body.

~ Skin brush; however, do not brush infl amed, scaling areas, only
healthy skin.

~ Sweating may give relief, so take saunas, but intersperse them with
frequent cold showers, starting on the top of the head.

~ Exercise is essential.

~ Use clothing and bed linens made from natural fi bers.

~ Try to make sure no undue stresses and strains exist.


Ringworm is a surprisingly common skin disease. It is a fungus that causes
ring-shaped marks on the skin. Sometimes the middle of the ring heals,
but not the outer ring. A common site is the scalp, but sometimes it
occurs around the nails. This is the so-called true ringworm, but “dhobie
itch” is also a form of ringworm. The name originated in hot tropical
monsoon regions; it affects the area of the groin.

  • Avoid sugar and yeasts until ringworm has cleared up.
    f Drink pau d’arco inner bark decoction.

~ Use a few of the following: marigold fl ower, lavender leaf and fl ower,
chickweed leaf, black walnut hull, and other antifungal herbs as pow-
ders for dusting affected areas, including the scalp, groin, and nails.

~ Keep the areas clean and dry at all times. Kidney cleanses will help
clear the skin.


Though classifi ed as a neurological disease, sciatica is usually caused by
poisons collecting in the kinks and pockets of the sigmoid section of the

261 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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