The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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262 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

bowel, up to the descending colon and over to the rectal area. The
poisons collect in the upper leg area and, in turn, irritate the sciatic nerve,
eventually dislocating the sacroiliac joint. The resulting infl ammation and
pain around the nerves is excruciating. Eventually, muscle wasting will add
to the problem.

~ A colon cleanse will be a vital fi rst step.

~ Adjustment by a chiropractor or osteopath can help.

~ Massage will ease the pain.

~ Hot and cold showers over the area will help.

~ Exercise.

shingles (herpes zoster)

Shingles is a virus and a close relative of chicken pox. Stress and low
immunity are two conspiring contributors that will strongly provoke an
episode. It can also be triggered in adults by contact with children who
have chicken pox, so if you are run-down and feel low, take care. The
virus, once it has set in, can remain for some time if it is not treated. The
nervous system, liver, and immune system need the most attention.

  • Adopt a good diet^ —^ see chapter 4 on food and the “Chicken Pox”
    section in this chapter. Include plenty of garlic and water.

(^) - Eat liver cleansers like dandelion leaves, globe artichokes, asparagus,
olives, and olive oil.

  • Ensure that you eat plenty of foods rich in magnesium, calcium, and
    B vitamins (refer to chapter 4).

  • Consume plenty of superfood.

f Take GLA capsules daily (evening primrose oil).

f Take nerve restorative and tonic herbs like Siberian ginseng root,
Astragalus root, skullcap leaf, vervain leaf, wood betony leaf and
fl ower, and lobelia leaf, all in the long term, and valerian root in the
short term.

f Immune-boosting herbs like echinacea root and elderberries will
greatly help.

f Use marigold fl ower, chickweed leaf, and lavender leaf and fl ower in
powder form to dust over the itchy areas.

~ Liver, colon, and kidney cleanses prevent recurrences.

~ Nourish the nervous system and immune system on a general natural
healing level, relaxing and resting as much as possible (see chapter 9).

diseases 262

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