The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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266 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

  • The ears are associated with the kidneys, so supportive kidney foods
    will also help (see chapter 4).

  • Drink lots of barley water and consume plenty of ginger which im-
    proves balance.

f Use equal parts of the following nerve herbs to support and nourish:
skullcap leaf, black cohosh root, lobelia leaf, vervain leaf, and passion-
fl ower.

f Use Dr. Christopher’s B & B ear formula (see chapter 11), which
contains nervines, lymphatics, immune stimulants, and antispasmod-
ics. Use the ear drops nightly, then choose other herbs from the rec-
ommended list above to use as a regular teas and tinctures.

~ Colon, kidney, and liver cleanses are vital for long-term treatment.

~ Hot and cold showers will stimulate the whole head, and the neck in

underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)

A defi ciency of thyroid hormones leads to general sluggishness, a
sensitivity to the cold, and general low body temperature. It can cause, in
particular, cold hands and feet; a slow heart rate; poor and slow digestion
and a loss of appetite accompanied by weight gain; painful menstruation
and other hormonal problems, sometimes including infertility;
constipation, general low immunity; dry skin and hair; thinning eyebrows;
and overall fatigue. Goiter may also occur.

  • If there is weight gain, still eat three very balanced but light meals a
    day; include rice, steamed vegetables, fruit, and raw vegetables. Juic-
    ing fruits or vegetables is excellent as part of this food program, espe-
    cially those rich in digestive enzymes.

(^) - Avoid cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, watercress, turnip,
caulifl ower, and mustard greens, as they suppress thyroid hormone

  • Gently increase seaweed intake as part of your food program. Bladder
    wrack and kelp are especially benefi cial incorporated into cooking.

f Use three parts Siberian ginseng root, two parts skullcap leaf, and one
part lobelia leaf to support the nerves and adrenal glands. Nerve
stimulants like celery seed and oat straw will be vital. Take male and
female hormones like chaste tree berry and saw palmetto berry. Heart,
circulatory, and digestive herbs will be needed. Do not use herbs that
sedate the nervous system, like valerian root. Use bladder wrack sea-
weed as a tincture or capsule to balance the thyroid. If the immune
system is low, take echinacea root periodically (see chapter 9).

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