The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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~ Take hot and cold showers twice a day, directing the water over the
thyroid area (the front of the neck).

~ Massage, using light strokes.

unusually strong menstrual flow (menorrhagia)

Occasionally, and always when it’s least expected or wanted, one’s period
can fl ood. Should the fl ood be of short duration, there is no problem; but
if it continues for days on end, or repeats itself each month, hormone
imbalances or displacement of the spine or hip must be considered and
professional help sought. Sometimes menorrhagia occurs because there
has been no ovulation; then the increased thickening of the uterine wall
can cause congestive infection.
Follow the general tips in chapter 8 on menstruation. Professional
advice should be sought if the problem persists.

  • An increase in dietary iodine is important (take kelp tablets or eat
    extra seaweed).

(^) - Consume plenty of superfood.

  • Keep the diet simple yet supportive, with just whole grains, vegeta-
    bles, and fruit.

f It is useful to take astringent herbs to stanch the fl ow. A classic choice
would be red raspberry leaf — an astringent rich in iron and calcium.
Other herbs would include lady’s-mantle leaf, cranesbill leaf, or yar-
row leaf. Yarrow is available for picking from spring to late autumn;
use it to make a tea.

f To balance the hormones, there are many herb options; an individual
choice of plants will probably be necessary. Start with chaste tree
berry and squaw vine root.

~ Don’t exercise heavily until the fl ow has decreased, and keep any
water contact gentle and warm.


Infection of the urethra needs similar treatment to cystitis, but extra
mucilaginous and soothing herbs are usually needed; for instance,
increase your intake of marshmallow root.

 Keep your diet simple yet supportive with whole grains, vegetables,
and fruits initially.

 Drink plenty of barley water, and water in general.

267 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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