The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

(singke) #1

diseases 271

Intestinal parasites like giardia, ascarids, hookworms, and amoebas are
now becoming very common too. They were once associated with visiting
foreign climates, but they are becoming increasingly common in
developed countries. Tapeworms have always occurred in Britain and the
United States, particularly from cooked meat. The problem is that a lot of
parasites are active only in hot temperatures, so baths, electric blankets,
and saunas will encourage their proliferation. (Testing for them in a
pathology laboratory is usually disappointing, because they hibernate in
the cold, and at present few laboratories appear to take this into
consideration. People are often “tested” for infestations but the stools are
not kept hot, which is vital. Thus the organisms die or hibernate, and the
results prove negative.) Colonics can give you good feedback on parasitic

  • Eat lots of raw garlic, freshly capsulated for children if necessary.

  • Avoid clogging, sticky, mucus-forming food when you have an infes-
    tation, in particular wheat and dairy products.

f There are many herbs that can be chosen to treat parasites, and they
vary according to the type of infestation; but wormwood leaf, black
walnut hull, and olive leaf with barberry root bark, cascara sagrada
root, and other vital bowel laxatives and liver aids will work. Along-
side this mixture, take freshly crushed cloves to kill the eggs.

~ For more information see chapter 6 and additionally carry out the
three-stage herbal colon cleanse.

~ In general, colon cleansing and colonics will be vital. Warm to hot
water can be used in the colonic, enticing out the parasites with its
heat. Colonics are not necessary for children with threadworm, but
will be invaluable for those with parasites.

Worming Program

You will need clove capsules plus black or green walnut hull tincture and
wormwood leaf tincture combined, half and half, for this program.
Capsules fi lled with crushed cloves need to be taken on an empty
stomach; please note too that the cloves must be freshly crushed (with
morter and pestle) to act effi ciently in killing parasitic eggs.
Capsules should be taken daily according to age and weight; for the
average adult, three capsules daily for one to two weeks should suffi ce. The
walnut and wormwood formula should also be taken (in water or juice)
daily for one to two weeks — one-half teaspoon, 4 times daily, for adults.
Drink chamomile tea daily to soothe the bowel and use bowel herbs (see
chapter 6) to make sure the bowel is moving to ensure the disposal of dying

271 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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