The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

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270 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition

berry and leaf (essential for heart and vascular support), and dande-
lion root (for water balance).

~ Maintain good exercise routines.

~ Use cold sitz baths over the legs, and follow warm baths with power-
ful cold showers.

~ Explore and maintain skin brushing.

~ Keep your feet above heart level when at rest.

~ Massage the affected area using a rub made with equal amounts of
oak bark tincture, chestnut tincture, and castor oil. Add half a tea-
spoon each of witch hazel and cypress essential oils to a cup of the
base oil.

warts and verrucas

Warts are small growths found anywhere on the body, including the
genitalia. They are caused by a virus and are highly contagious. Warts on
the feet are often known as verrucas or plantar warts.

  • Include plenty of fresh garlic in your diet.

  • Avoid coffee, tea, sweets, and junk food.
    f Use general immune-boosting and specifi c antiviral herbs like echi-
    nacea root, pau d’arco inner bark, arborvitae leaf, and elderberry. Vary
    as tinctures, teas, and syrups.

f Repeatedly apply the white juice from dandelion stalks to the affected

f Viral verrucas and warts need to be treated specifi cally to keep ahead
of the virus. Apply a threesome of targeted essential oils, using one a
week: start with lemon, then tea tree, then bergamot.

worms and amoebic infestations

Parasites that live in the intestines are becoming more prevalent, owing to
the poor health of factory-produced meats. They are opportunistic
creatures and thrive in our modern-day immunally challenged bodies,
which have been bombarded with antibiotics and drugs of all kinds.
Parasitic threadworm is, and always has been, very common; probably one
in fi ve children will have it at some time, but adults also get infestations.
More and more children are becoming infested with parasites,
particularly after multiple vaccinations because of their overwhelming
impact on the immune system. Travel can also lay one open to all kinds of
unusual parasites, and parasitic diarrhea is a common occurrence.

diseases 270

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