Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1
exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system and
AETIOLOGY.This refers to the cause of a disease.
AFTER-BURN.The increased rate of body metabo-
lism that lasts for several hours after a session of
vigorous exercise.
AGGLUTINATION. The clumping or clotting of
AHIMSA.A Sanskrit word for non-killing and non-
harming, adopted by the American Vegan Society as
its official watchword. The AVS notes that the six
letters in ahimsa stand for the basic principles of
veganism: Abstinence from animal products; Harm-
lessness with reverence for life; Integrity of thought,
word, and deed; Mastery over oneself; Service to
humanity, nature, and creation; and Advancement of
understanding and truth.
ALBUMEN.The white of the egg. It can be sepa-
rated from the yolk for cooking or to avoid the high fat
and high cholesterol content of the yolk.
ALBUMIN.Water-soluble proteins that can be coa-
gulated by heat and are found in egg white, blood
serum, milk.
ALGAE (SING., ALGA).Any of numerous groups of
one-celled organisms containing chlorophyll. Spiru-
lina is a blue-green alga.
ALKALOID. An organic, compound found in
plants; chemically it is a base and usually contains at
least one nitrogen atom.
ALLERGEN.Any substance that produces an aller-
gic reaction.
ALPHA-LINOLENIC ACID (ALA).A polyunsaturated
omega-3 fatty acid found primarily in seed oils (canola
oil, flaxseed oil, and walnut oil), purslane and other
broad-leaved plants, and soybeans. ALA is thought to
lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE.A system of healing that
rejects conventional, pharmaceutical-based medicine
and replaces it with the use of dietary supplements
and therapies such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, mas-
sage, and cleansing diets. Alternative medicine includes
well-established treatment systems such as homeop-
athy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Ayurvedic
medicine, as well as more-recent, fad-driven treatments.
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE. A progressive, incurable
condition that destroys brain cells, gradually causing
loss of intellectual abilities, such as memory, and
extreme changes in personality and behavior.

AMARANTH.An herb cultivated as a food crop in
Mexico and South America. Its grains can be toasted
and mixed with honey or molasses as a vegetarian

AMENORRHEA.Absence or suppression of normal
menstrual periods in women of childbearing age,
usually defined as three to six missed periods.

AMINO ACID.These compounds are the building
blocks of protein. Some amino acids can be synthe-
sised by the body but some cannot. The latter are
referred to as essential amino acids and therefore
must be obtained from protein in the diet.

AMOEBA.A single-celled organism, many species
of which live in free in water.

AMOEBIC DYSENTERY. Disease characterized by
severe diarrhea, caused by infection of the gut by
Entamoeba histolytica.

AMPHETAMINES.Stimulant drugs whose effects are
very similar to cocaine.

AMYLOIDOSIS.Condition characterized by accu-
mulation in body tissues of deposits of abnormal pro-
teins (amyloids) produced by cells. Amyloidosis can
lead to kidney disease.

ANABOLIC.Pertaining to the putting together of
complex substances from simples ones, especially to
the building of muscle protein from amino acids.

ANABOLIC STEROID.A group of synthetic hor-
mones that promote the storage of protein and the
growth of tissue, sometimes used by athletes to
increase muscle size and strength.

ANAEMIA.Anaemia refers to a reduction in the
quantity of the oxygen-carrying pigment haemoglobin
in the blood. The main symptoms of anaemia are
excessive tiredness and fatigability, breathlessness on
exertion, pallor and poor resistance to infection.

ANAEROBIC.Without air, or oxygen.

ANAEROBIC EXERCISE.Brief, strength-based activ-
ity, such as sprinting or weight training, in which
anaerobic (without oxygen) metabolism occurs in the

ANAL FISSURE.A crack or slit that develops in the
mucous membrane of the anus, often as a result of a
constipated person pushing to expel hardened stool.
Anal fissures are quite painful and difficult to heal.

ANALGESIC.A substance capable of producing
analgesia, meaning one that relieves pain.


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