Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1

and potentially fatal systemic allergic reaction charac-
terized by itching, hives, fainting, and respiratory
symptoms. Sulfites may trigger anaphylaxis in a
small number of people who are unusually sensitive
to them.

ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE.A category of medical or
dietary evidence based on or consisting of individual
reports, usually written by observers who are not doc-
tors or scientists.

ANEMIA.Low level of red blood cells in the blood.

ANGINA PECTORIS. Chest pain or discomfort.
Angina pectoris is the more common and stable form
of angina. Stable angina has a pattern and is more
predictable in nature, usually occurring when the
heart is working harder than normal.

ANORECTIC.A drug which suppresses the appetite.

ANOREXIA NERVOSA.A psychiatric disorder signif-
ied by obsession with weight loss and voluntary self-
starvation accompanied by serious, potentially fatal
health problems.

ANOREXIANT.A drug that causes loss of appetite.

ANTHROPOLOGICAL.Pertaining to anthropology
or the study or the natural and cultural history of

ANTIANEMIC.Preventing or curing anemia, a con-
dition characterized by a lower than normal count of
red blood cells.

ANTIBIOTIC.A drug that kills bacteria and other

ANTIBODY.A protein produced by the body’s
immune system that recognizes and helps fight infec-
tions and other foreign substances in the body.

ANTICOAGULANTS.Blood thinners.

ANTIDEPRESSANTS.Drugs used primarily to treat

ANTIEMETIC. Agents that prevent nausea and

ANTIFUNGAL.Substance that prevents the growth
of fungi.

ANTIGEN.A substance that is foreign to the body
and invokes an immune response.

ANTIHISTAMINE.Medication that stops the action
of histamines.

ANTIHYPERLIPIDEMIC.Substance used in the treat-
ment of very high serum triglyceride levels.
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY.Medication such as aspirin
or Ibuprophen that reduces swelling.
ANTIMICROBIAL. Substance that prevents the
growth of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses
and fungi.
ANTIMUTAGENIC.Substance that protects against
genetic mutation.
ANTINOCICEPTIVE.Substance that reduces sensi-
tivity to painful stimuli.
ANTIOXIDANT.A molecule that prevents oxida-
tion. In the body antioxidants attach to other mole-
cules called free radicals and prevent the free radicals
from causing damage to cell walls, DNA, and other
parts of the cell.
ANTIOXIDATIVE.A substance that inhibits oxidation.
ANTIPYRETIC.An agent that reduces or prevents
ANTISEPTIC.Medicine used to control infection.
ANTITUSSIVE.Preventing or relieving cough.
ANUS.The opening from the rectum to the outside
of the body through which stools pass. The opening
and closing of the anus is controlled by a strong ring of
muscles under somewhat voluntary control.
APPETITE SUPPRESSANT.Drug that decreases feel-
ings of hunger. Most work by increasing levels of
serotonin or catecholamine, chemicals in the brain
that control appetite.
ARTERY.A blood vessel that carries blood from the
heart to the body.
for the inflammation of a joint or a condition charac-
terized by joint inflammation.
ASCITES.Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the
abdominal cavity.
ASD.Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to
the features of individuals who have a degree of the
condition known as autism. Autism is a serious devel-
opmental disorder characterised by profound deficits
in language, communication, socialization and resis-
tance to learning.
ASSOCIATION.In psychology, a connection between
twoideas,actions, or psychological phenomenathrough
learning or experience. The Shangri-la diet is based in
part on the notion that humans eat more than they

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