need to in the modern world because of a strong associa-
tion between food flavors and calories.
ASTHMA.A respiratory disorder marked by wheez-
ing, shortness of breath, and mucus production.
ASTRINGENT.A substance that reduces secretions,
dries and shrinks tissue, and helps control bleeding.
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. Clogging, narrowing, and
hardening of the large arteries and medium-sized
blood vessels. Atherosclerosis can lead to stroke,
heart attack, eye problems and kidney problems.
ATP.Adenosine triphosphate, a high-energy phos-
phate molecule required to provide energy for cellular
function. The energy source of muscles for short
bursts of power.
AUTISM.A brain disorder that begins in early
childhood and persists throughout adulthood. It
affects three important areas of development: commu-
nication, social interaction, and creative or imagina-
tive play.
AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE. An illness that occurs
when the body tissues are attacked by its own immune
AUTO-IMMUNITY. A response, involving the
immune system, that results in a person’s own tissues
being attacked.
AUTOINTOXICATION.A belief, now discredited,
that the contents of the intestine are toxic and produce
poisons that can damage other body organs.
nervous system that innervates the smooth muscle of
the viscera, the heart, and glandular tissue, and gov-
erns the body’s involuntary functions and responses.
AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE.A term used to describe a
pattern of genetic inheritance in which a child receives
two copies of a defective gene, one from each parent,
on an autosome (a nonsex chromosome). MSUD is an
autosomal recessive disorder.
compound of the fractions of avocado oil and soybean
oil that cannot be used in the production of soap. ASU
shows promise in the treatment of OA. It is available
only by prescription in France, where it was first stu-
died, but can be purchased over the counter in the
United States.
AYURVEDA.The traditional system of natural med-
icine that originated in India around 3500 BC. Its
name is Sanskrit for ‘‘science of long life.’’ Some
people have tried Ayurvedic medicines and dietary
recommendations in the treatment of arthritis.
BACTERIA. Microscopic, single-celled organisms
found in air, water, soil, and food. Only a few actually
cause disease in humans.
BACTERICIDAL.A state that prevents growth of
BARBERRY.A shrub native to southern Europe and
western Asia that produces oblong red berries that
have a sour taste. Barberry has been used as a natural
treatment for giardiasis.
BARIATRICS.A medical specialty that deals with
weight management and the treatment of obesity.
BARRETT’S SYNDROME.Also called Barrett’s eso-
phagus or Barrett’s epithelia, this is a condition
where the squamous epithelial cells that normally
line the esophagus are replaced by thicker columnar
epithelial cells.
BASAL METABOLIC RATE.The number of calories
the body burns at rest to maintain normal body
BATERIOSTATIC.A substance that kills bacteria.
B-COMPLEX VITAMINS.A group of water-soluble
vitamins that often work together in the body. These
include thiamine (B 1 ), riboflavin (B 2 ), niacin (B 3 ), pan-
tothenic acid (B 5 ), pyridoxine (B 6 ), biotin (B 7 or vita-
min H), niacin/folic acid (B 9 ), and cobalamin (B 12 ).
BEAVER FEVER.An informal name for giardiasis, so
called because beavers are a common animal reservoir
of the parasite that causes giardiasis.
BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION. Changing an indivi-
dual’s behavior through positive and negative
responses to achieve a desired result.
BEHAVIOR THERAPY.A non-biological form of
therapy that developed largely out of learning theory
research and is normally applied to the treatment of
specific maladaptive behavior patterns.
BENIGN.Mild, does not threaten health or life.
When referring to a tumor, it generally means
BENZOIC ACID.A type of preservative used in pro-
cessed foods known to cause food sensitivity in some
individuals when consumed in the diet.