Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1

SHANGRI-LA.A utopia; a mythical place in the
Himalayas where life approaches perfection, depicted
in a 1933 novel by James Hilton.

SHORT BOWEL SYNDROME.Problems related to
absorbing nutrients after removal of part of the small

SIALAGOGUE.Promotes the flow of saliva.

SICKLE CELL ANEMIA.A genetic disorder in which
red blood cells take on an unusual shape, leading to
other problems with the blood.

SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES.Simple sugars; monosac-
charides, such as fructose found in fruit, and disac-
charides made up of two sugar units, such as lactose
and sucrose or table sugar.

SMALL INTESTINE.The part of the digestive tract
located between the stomach and the large intestine. It
consists of the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum.

SMOOTHIE.A blended beverage resembling a milk-
shake in texture but often made with nondairy ingre-
dients. Slim-Fast and other diet product companies
market prepackaged smoothies as well as shakes.

SNP.Single nucleotide polymorphism; a variant
DNA sequence in which the base of a single nucleotide
has been replaced by a different base.

SODIUM BENZOATE.A type of preservative used in
processed foods known to cause food sensitivity in
some individuals when consumed in the diet.

SODIUM METABISULPHITE.A type of sulphite pre-
servative used in processed foods known to cause food
sensitivity in some individuals when consumed in the

SOLUBLE.Capable of being dissolved.
SOLUBLE FIBER.The part of a food plant that resists
digestion and absorption in the human small intestine
but is fermented partially or completely in the large
intestine. This fermentation yields short-chain fatty
acids, which are beneficial to health by stabilizing
blood glucose levels, lowering blood cholesterol levels,
and supporting the immune system.

SORBITOL.Sugar alcohol food additive used as a
sweetener in commercially prepared low sugar foods
and gum.

SPA.A hotel or resort for relaxation or health and
fitness-related activities. Some people undergoing a
juice fast do so at a spa in order to combine the fast
with colonics, massage therapy, and other practices
associated with juice fasts. The English word spa

comes from the name of a famous health resort in

SPORTS DRINK.Any beverage containing carbohy-
drates, electrolytes, and other nutrients as well as
water, intended to help athletes rehydrate after train-
ing or competition. Sports drinks are isotonic, which
means that they contain the same proportion of water,
electrolytes, and carbohydrates as the human body.

SQUAMOUS EPITHELIAL CELLS.Thin, flat cells found
in layers or sheets covering surfaces such as skin and
the linings of blood vessels and esophagus.

STARCH.A naturally abundant nutrient carbohy-
drate found in seeds, fruits, tubers, and roots.
STARVATION.A long-term consequence of food

STEATORRHEA.The passage of large amounts of fat
or grease in the stool, caused by failure to absorb it
during digestion. Steatorrhea is often associated with
chronic giardiasis.

STEROID.A family of compounds that share a
similar chemical structure. This family includes the
estrogen and testosterone, vitamin D, cholesterol,
and the drugs cortisone and prendisone.

STEROL.The building blocks of steroid hormones;
a type of lipid.

STIMULANT.An agent, especially a chemical agent
such as caffeine, that temporarily arouses or acceler-
ates physiological or organic activity.

STROKE.The sudden death of some brain cells due
to a lack of oxygen when the blood flow to the brain is
impaired by blockage or rupture of an artery.

SUBJECTIVE.Based on feelings and opinions.

SUCCULENT.Plants with large, fleshy leaves, stems,
and roots capable of storing a lot of water. These
plants grow in dry environments.

SUCROSE.The natural sweetener commonly used
as table sugar; sucrose is a compound of two simple
sugars, glucose and fructose. It is used as the standard
for measuring the sweetening power of high-intensity
artificial sweeteners.

SULPHITE.A type of preservative used in processed
foods known to cause food sensitivity in some indivi-
duals when consumed in the diet.

SULPHUR DIOXIDE.A type of preservative used in
processed foods known to cause food sensitivity in
some individuals when consumed in the diet.

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