Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1
SUPPOSITORY.A tablet or capsule, usually made of
glycerin, inserted into the rectum to stimulate the
muscles to contract and expel feces.

autonomic nervous system that speeds up heart rate,
increases lung capacity, increases the flow of blood to
skeletal muscles, and diverts blood flow from the
digestive tract.

SYNAPTIC VESICLES.Also called neurotransmitter
vesicles, these pouches store the various neurotrans-
mitters that are released by nerve cells into the synap-
tic cleft of a synapse.

SYNDROME X. A group of risk factors that
together, put someone at higher risk of coronary
artery disease. These risk factors include: central obe-
sity (excessive fat tissue in the abdominal region),
glucose intolerance, high triglycerides and low HDL
cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

autoimmune disease of connective tissue that affects
mainly women. It can cause joint pain, rash, and
inflammation of organs such as the kidney.

TARGET HEART RATE.A method using pulse mea-
surements to monitor progress while exercising. A
target heart rate is typically 50-85 percent of an indi-
vidual’s maximum heart rate.

TEMPEH.A food product made from whole fer-
mented soybeans that originated in Indonesia. It can
be used as a meat substitute in vegan dishes or sliced
and cooked in hot vegetable oil.

TESTOSTERONE.A male sex hormone responsible
for secondary sex characteristics.

stitute made from defatted soybean flour formed into
a dough and cooked by steam while being forced
through an extruder. It resembles ground beef in tex-
ture and can replace it in most recipes. TVP is also
known as textured soy protein or TSP.

THEOBROMINE.A breakdown product of caffeine
that is responsible for the diuretic effect of coffee and

THERMOGENESIS.The generation of heat in the

THERMOGENIC.Producing heat. Relating to diet
drugs the term is used to indicate a drug which causes
increased use of calories without exercise.

THRIFTY GENE HYPOTHESIS.A hypothesis proposed
in 1962 by James Neel, a geneticist, to explain the
epidemic of obesity in the modern world. The thrifty
gene hypothesis holds that certain genes in humans
maximize metabolic efficiency and food searching
behavior, and that humans carrying these ‘‘thrifty’’
genes were more likely to survive during past periods
of famine. The abundance of food in the modern
world means that people with these genes are predis-
posed to obesity and other disorders related to over-
eating. The thrifty gene hypothesis has, however, been
largely discarded in recent years.

THYROID.A gland located beneath the voice box
that produces thyroid hormone, a hormone that reg-
ulates growth and metabolism.
TOFU.Bean curd; a soft food made by coagulating
soy milk with an enzyme, calcium sulfate, or an
organic acid, and pressing the resulting curds into
blocks or chunks. Tofu is frequently used in vegetarian
or vegan dishes as a meat or cheese substitute.

TOLERANCE.Adjustment of the body to a drug so
that it takes more and more to produce the same
physiological or psychological effect, or adjustment
to a drug so that side effects are diminished.

TONIC.An agent that restores or increases body

TOPICAL.Referring to a type of medication that is
applied to the surface of the body or instilled into the
eye or ear. Some topical medications contain artificial

TOTAL CHOLESTEROL.The total amount of choles-
terol in the blood. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance
made in the body and present in many foods.
TOURETTE’S SYNDROME.A neurological disorder
characterized by involuntary body movements called
tics, and uncontrollable speech.

TOXIN.A general term for something that harms
or poisons the body.
TRACE MINERALS.Minerals needed by the body in
tiny, trace amounts (RDA < 200mg/day). They include:
selenium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum,
chromium, arsenic, germanium, lithium, rubidium, tin.

system of medicine based on maintaining a balance in
vital energy orqithat controls emotions, spiritual, and


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