omega-3 fatty acids, 2:743
in Pacific Islander Americans,
risk factors, 2:927
senior nutrition, 2:861
Seven Countries Study, 1:425,
2:673, 674
SNPs, 2:718–719
soy products, 2:892
Suzanne Somers plan, 2:913
TLC diet, 2:924, 925, 926–927
vitamin C, 2:978
vitamin E, 2:985
women’s nutrition, 2:1015
Zone diet, 2:1026
See also specific diseases
Cardiovascular exercise
Abs diet, 1:2
Body for Life diet, 1:115
Jillian Michaels diet, 1:589
Cardus, 2:801
Caribbean Cooperation in Health,
Caribbean Food and Nutrition
Institute (CFNI), 1:175
Caribbean Islander diet, 1:173–176,
173 t
Carnosol, 1:165
Carotenodermia, 1:178
Carotenoids, 1:163,176–179, 177t,
See also specific types
Carrots, as cancer-fighting food,
1:162t, 164
Carson, LeaAnn, 1:434
Cartilage, glucosamine and, 1:465,
Carver, George Washington, 2:891
CAT scans.SeeComputed tomogra-
phy (CT) scanning
Catabolism, 1:628, 2:686, 818
Cataracts, 1:60, 2:978, 985–986
Catholicism, dietary practices, 2:825t,
827, 953, 958
Cauliflower, as cancer-fighting food,
1:162t, 164
Caveman diet, 1:179–182
See alsoNeanderthin diet
Cavities.SeeDental caries
Cayenne pepper, 1:275, 2:803
CBT.SeeCognitive behavior therapy
CD4+ T lymphocytes, 1:26
CDC.SeeCenters for Disease
Control and Prevention
CDR (Commission on Dietetic
Registration), 1:40–41
Cederquist, Caroline J., 1:429, 433,
Celebrex (celecoxib), 1:466
Celebrity Fit Club(television pro-
gram), 1:369, 373
Celebrity involvement
Hamptons diet, 1:495
LA Weight Loss program, 1:607
NutriSystem, 2:723
raw foods movement, 2:821
Suzanne Somers weight loss plan,
Celecoxib, 1:466
Celery, 2:803
Celiac disease, 1:182–186
defined, 1:182, 300
diarrhea, 1:276
gluten-free diet for, 1:468–473,
469 t
treatment, 1:184–185, 304, 305
Celiac Disease Foundation, 1:468
Celiac Sprue Association (CSA),
1:468, 470
Cell membranes, zinc and, 2:1020
Cellular energy, sodium and, 2:800
Cellular regeneration, protein and,
Cellulose, sources of, 1:313
Center for Clinical and Basic
Research (Denmark), 2:935
Center for Food-Drug Interaction
Research and Education, 2:657
Center for Food Safety and Applied
Nutrition (CFSAN), 1:516
Center for Science in the Public
Interest (CSPI), 2:909
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC)
AIDS, 1:26, 27, 31
alcohol consumption, 1:427
BMI, 1:122
diuretics, 1:308
elderly, report on, 2:858
fen-phen research, 1:380
food contamination outbreaks,
1:406, 412, 416, 575
fruit recommendations, 1:440t
giardiasis outbreaks, 1:452, 454
hyperlipidemia, 1:541–542
hypertension, 2:685
National Immunization Survey,
obesity prevalence, 2:909
osteoarthritis, 1:465
traveler’s diarrhea, 2:933
yersinia monitoring, 2:1017–1018,
Centers for Disease Control exercise
British Heart Foundation diet,
Caveman diet, 1:182
chicken soup diet, 1:198
Denise Austin plan, 1:260
Dietwatch, 1:298
Hilton Head diet, 1:529
Jillian Michaels diet, 1:590
negative calorie diet, 2:709
Richard Simmons diet, 2:841
Rosedale diet, 2:844
Six day body makeover, 2:869
Six week body makeover, 2:872
Slim4Life, 2:875
Sonoma diet, 2:885
Suzanne Somers plan, 2:913
3-day diet, 2:921
Weight Loss 4 Idiots, 2:1010
Central American and Mexican diet,
1:186–189, 187t, 210
Central Europe, chronic disease in,
Central European and Russian diet,
Cerebral edema, 2:652
AHA-approved products, 1:504
nutritional professionals, 1:40–41
organic foods, 1:409, 2:755, 756
Certified meat and poultry, labeling
of, 1:409
Certified Specialists in Gerontological
Nutrition (CSGs), 1:40
Certified Specialists in Pediatric
Nutrition (CSPs), 1:40
Certified Specialists in Renal
Nutrition (CSRs), 1:40
Certified Specialists in Sports
Dietetics (CSSDs), 1:40
CFGHE (Canada’s Food Guide to
Health Eating), 2:771, 953, 960
CFNI (Caribbean Food and
Nutrition Institute), 1:175
CFSAN (Center for Food Safety and
Applied Nutrition, 1:516
CFT (Controlled Fatigue Training),
2:999, 1000
Challenge foods, 1:347, 422–423
Chamomile, 2:802
ChangeOne diet, 1:191–196
CHAOS study, 2:985
Charity work, ADAF, 1:40
Charlie Foundation, 1:597, 600
Cheating on diets.SeeDietary
Cheese, Scandinavian cuisine, 2:848
See alsoDairy products
Chelating agents, 1:69t, 72, 397
Chemical structure, amino acids,
Chemotherapy, 1:160, 2:918
Chewing of food
aging and difficulties with, 2:860
slow, 1:497, 498
CHF (congestive heart failure),
diuretics for, 1:308
Chicken soup diet, 1:196–199
Chicken soup recipe, 1:196
Childhood nutrition, 1:199–201
African-American diet, 1:24
artificial sweeteners, 1:79
Asian diet, 1:83
biotin, 1:104–105, 104t
caffeine, 1:145
calcium, 1:146t, 147, 149, 2:764t
calorie, 1:150t
cancer-fighting foods, 1:166–167