Food challenges (allergies), 1:73, 401
Food combination diets
Beverly Hills diet, 1:95
Fit for Life diet, 1:383–386
Hay diet, 1:496–500, 497t
Suzanne Somers plan, 2:910–911
Weight Loss 4 Idiots, 2:1007–1008,
Food contamination, 1:404–407
fish consumption in pregnancy,
food poisoning, 1:413–414
foodborne illness, 1:417–418
raw food diet, 2:822
by yersinia, 2:1017–1020,2:1018
See alsoFoodborne illness
Food exchange lists, 1:273
Food for Life (Cambridge diet),
1:154, 155
Food groups (blood type diet), 1:107
Food Guide Pyramid.SeeUSDA
food guide pyramid
Food guidesvs.Dietary Guidelines
for Americans, 1:287
Food handling, disease prevention
and, 1:416
Food intake records (FIRs), for
AIDS/HIV patients, 1:29
Food interactions, nutrition literacy
and, 2:731–732
Food intolerances, 1:346–347
See alsoFood sensitivities
Food labeling, 1:407–412,1:408
added sugars, 1:538t
cholesterol, 1:621
dairy products, 2:769
fiber claims, 1:316, 522
food allergies, 1:401
gluten-free foods, 1:185, 471
low-fat foods, 1:366, 624
low sodium foods, 1:630
nutrition literacy, 2:731t, 733
organic food, 1:409, 2:755, 756
soy products, 2:892
supplements, 1:292–293
transfats, 2:929
Food overconsumption.See
Food poisoning, 1:276,412–417, 413t
See alsoFoodborne illness
Food preparation and preservation.
SeeCooking practices
Food Processing(Journal), 1:322
Food pyramid.SeeUSDA Food
Guide Pyramid
Food replacement products.SeeMeal
replacement products
Food safety, 1:417–420, 417t
for AIDS/HIV patients, 1:31
irradiated food, 1:574–576, 575t
organic food, 2:756
pregnancy, 2:808–809
preservatives, 1:72–75
religious dietary practices, 2:825
senior nutrition, 2:861
while traveling, 2:887
See alsoFood contamination
Food security, 1:22, 2:861–862
Food sensitivities, 1:347, 402,
420–424, 421t
See also specific types
Food Services, Inc., 1:470
The food (soul food), 1:24
Food stamps, 2:733
Food Standards Agency (UK), 1:377,
Foodborne Disease Active
Surveillance Network (FoodNet),
1:416, 2:1017, 1019
Foodborne illness
causes, 1:413–414, 413t
detoxification, 1:265
diarrhea, 1:279
digestive diseases, 1:306
irradiated food, 1:575
pregnancy, 2:808–809
See alsoFood contamination;
Food poisoning
FoodMover tool, 2:839
FoodNet, 1:416, 2:1017, 1019
Footnote, on nutrition facts panel,
1:408, 1:411
Forbidden foods, cravings and,
Ford, John, 2:866
Foremilk, 1:127
Formula, infant.SeeInfant formula
Fortified foods
folate, 1:392t, 394
history, 2:991–992
niacin, 2:710, 711
riboflavin, 2:835
thiamin, 2:837
vitamin B 12 , 2:972, 973
vitamin D, 2:766, 979t, 981
vitamin E, 2:984
vitamin K, 2:989
zinc, 2:1023
Fossil evidence, Neanderthin diet
and, 2:704
Foundation for the Advancement of
the Mediterranean Diet, 2:674–675
Foundation phase (Fat smash diet),
14-Day Low-Calorie Booster Diet
(Anne Collins), 1:42
Framington Heart Study, 2:767
Francis, T., Jr., 1:55
Fredrickson classification of hyperli-
pidemias, 1:547–548
Free foods, CSIRO total wellbeing
diet, 1:242
Free radicals
effects, 1:58–59
inflammation, 2:793
PUFAs, 1:11
See alsoAntioxidants
Free-range chickens, 2:776–777
Free-range meat, labeling of, 1:409,
Freegans, 2:957
French cuisine, 1:424–429, 2:713t,
French Guiana cuisine, 2:887
French paradox, 1:424–429, 2:715
Frequency of meals
Body for Life diet, 1:114
Eating for Life, 1:335
Hilton Head metabolism diet,
Six day/week body makeovers,
2:868, 870–871, 872
3-hour diet, 2:922, 923
Warrior diet, 2:997–999
Fresh Fit meals (Subway), 2:907
Fresh poultry, labeling of, 1:410
Freshvs.frozen foods, 1:434
Friedman, Mark, 2:866
Frozen-food diet, 1:429–435
Frozen poultry, labeling of, 1:410
Fructose, 1:77, 79
Fructose intolerance, 1:435–440, 436t
Fructose malabsorption, 1:435–436
Fructosemia, 1:435, 439
Fruit juice
dental caries, 2:752, 753
in juice fasts, 1:263,590–595
kidney diet, 2:831
Fruitarian diet, 1:440–444, 612, 2:957
Fruitarian Foundation, 1:441, 442
Fruitless feasters, 2:796t, 797
Asian diet, 1:81t, 82, 83, 84
Beverly Hills diet, 1:95, 96, 97
British Heart Foundation diet, 1:132
cancer-fighting, 1:161–167, 162t
Caribbean Island diet, 1:174, 175
CDC recommendations, 1:440t
Central American and Mexican
diet, 1:187
chicken soup diet, 1:198
childhood nutrition, 1:200, 201
CSIRO total wellbeing diet, 1:242
DASH diet, 1:248, 248t
Eating for Life, 1:336
frozen-food diets, 1:431–432
Greek and Middle Eastern diet,
Hay diet, 1:499, 500
hemorrhoids, 1:511–512
hyperlipidemia, 1:543
for inflammation, 1:56
for juice fasts, 1:591
kidney diet, 2:831
lacto-vegetarian diet, 1:614
macrobiotic diet, 2:633
Mayo Clinic plan, 2:661
menopause diet, 2:680
MyPyramid recommendations,
Neanderthin diet, 2:699, 701, 702
negative calorie diet, 2:707, 708