Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1

osteoporosis, 2:767
Pacific Islander diet, 2:784
pesticides in, 2:755t
during pregnancy, 2:805–806
Pritikin diet, 2:810
Sacred Heart diet, 2:846, 847
Scandinavian diet, 2:849
Suzanne Somers plan, 2:911
TLC diet, 2:924t
vitamin B 6 in, 2:969
vitamin C in, 2:975t, 977
vitamin E in, 2:983t, 984
Weight Loss 4 Idiots, 2:1010
See also specific fruits
FTC (Federal Trade Commission),
Fuller, Buckminster, 2:700
Function claims, supplements and,
1:293, 490
Functional constipation, 1:224
Functional dyspepsia, 1:323–326
Fundoplication, 1:303, 451, 509
Fundraising, ADA, 1:37–38
Furazolidone, 1:455
Furoxone (furazolidone), 1:455


GAIT (Glucosamine/chondroitin
Arthritis Intervention Trial),
Galactosemia, 2:716
Gallbladder,1:299, 1:445,1:446
Gallbladder disorders
alcohol consumption, 1:427
childhood obesity, 1:207
cholecystitis, 1:298
gallstones, 1:445–448,1:446
weight cycling, 2:1006
Gallstones, 1:445–448,1:446
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)
for arthritis, 1:65
Fat flush diet, 1:361, 362, 364, 365
in spirulina, 2:894
Gandhi, Mahatma, 1:440
GAO (U.S. Government and
Accounting Office), 2:720
Garden of Life, Inc., 2:643, 646
for cancer, 1:162t, 164–165
for diabetes, 1:275
as phytonutrient, 2:803
Gases (food additives), 1:397t
Gastric bypass surgery, 1:89,1:90
Gastric indigestion.SeeDyspepsia
Gastric ulcers, 2:943,2:944
Gastroduodenal Crohn’s disease,
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
(GERD), 1:448–452,1:449
defined, 1:298, 448
treatment, 1:303, 305
vitamin B 12 , 2:974

Gastrointestinal diseases.See
Digestive diseases
Gastrointestinal tract.SeeDigestive
Gastroparesis, 1:298, 303, 305
cravings, 1:235
eating disorders, 1:331
gallstones, 1:445, 446
gout, 1:478, 480
hyperlipidemia, 1:542
hypertension, 1:545
IBS, 1:577
intussusception, 1:566
See alsoMen; Women
Gene doping, 1:355–356, 2:900
Gene expression and diet, 2:719
General Conference Nutrition
Council (Seventh-Day Adventists),
2:772, 777, 960
Generally recognized as safe status
artificial sweeteners, 1:76, 78
caffeine, 1:144
defined, 1:68
fat replacers, 1:367–368
infant formula, 1:555
Genetic engineering.See
Bioengineered foods
Genetic profiling, nutrigenomics and,
2:719, 720–721
anorexia nervosa, 1:46
bulimia nervosa, 1:134
cancer, 1:157
celiac disease, 1:183, 471
Crohn’s disease, 1:237
diabetes, 1:272
hypertriglyceridemia, 2:936, 937
kidney disease, 2:829
MSUD, 2:650–651
nutrigenomics, 2:715–722, 716t
thrifty genes, 2:999, 1001
transposing of genes, 1:102
vitamin B 6 , 2:970
weight cycling, 2:1005
zinc, 2:1020–1021
Genome sequencing, 2:716, 838
Gentian, 2:802
GERD.SeeGastroesophageal reflux
German Commission E, 2:903
Germany, echinacea use in, 1:337
Gestational diabetes, 1:271, 2:1014
Get with the Program!(Website),
Ghrelin, 2:742, 1005
Giard, Alfred, 1:452
Giardia lamblialife cycle,1:452,
defined, 1:300
diarrhea, 1:276
food contamination, 1:405, 413t,

traveler’s diarrhea, 2:933
treatment, 1:304, 305
Gidus, Tara, 1:373
Ginger, 2:803
Ginkgo biloba, 1:275,1:461,
1:461–464, 2:802
Ginseng, 1:457–461,1:458, 2:802
Girls.SeeAdolescent girls;
Adolescents; Children
Gittleman, Ann Louise, 1:361, 364,
GLA.SeeGamma-linolenic acid
GlaxoSmithKline PLC, 2:759
Glickman, Peter, 1:264
Glucagon, Zone diet and, 2:1026,
Glucocorticoid receptors, 2:693
Glucomannan, 1:280, 350
Gluconeogenesis, 2:687
Glucophage (metformin), 1:274,
Glucoraphanin, 1:164
arthritis, 1:64, 66–67
menopause supplement,
Glucosamine/chondroitin Arthritis
Intervention Trial (GAIT), 1:66–67,
Glucose.SeeBlood glucose
Glucose-alanine cycle, 2:687
Glucose transporter defects, 1:601
Glutathione peroxidases (GPx),
2:855, 857
Gluten-Free Certification
Organization (GFCO), 1:469
Gluten-free diet, 1:184–186,468–473,
469 t
Gluten intolerance, 1:468–469
See alsoCeliac disease
Gluten Intolerance Group, 1:468,
Gluten-sensitive enteropathy.See
Celiac disease
Glycemic index
acne, 1:6–7, 8
Anne Collins diet, 1:42
bodybuilding diet, 1:124
common foods, 1:474t, 475
defined, 1:473, 474–475
grapefruit, 1:485
high-fat/low-carb diets, 1:518
NutriSystem, 2:724
peanut butter diet, 2:790
Perricone diet, 2:792, 794
Shangri-la diet, 2:865
South Beach diet, 2:889
Zone diet, 2:1026
Glycemic index diets, 1:473–477
Glycemic load
bodybuilding diet, 1:124
history, 1:473–474
low-carb diets, 1:475

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