Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition

(Nandana) #1

Weil, Andrew, 2:749–752
Welsh cuisine, 2:713–714, 713t
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome,
West African cuisine, 1:21–22
Western dietary patterns.See
Western medicine.SeeConventional
Wet beriberi, 2:917
White blood cells, 1:26
White chocolate, 1:210
WHO.SeeWorld Health
Whole-diet approach, Mediterranean
diet and, 2:678
Whole foodsvs.isolated components,
2:732, 803, 804
Whole grains
British Heart Foundation diet, 1:132
as cancer-fighting food, 1:162t, 166
cholesterol, 1:286
CSIRO total wellbeing diet, 1:243
hemorrhoids, 1:511–512
for inflammation, 1:56
macrobiotic diet, 2:633
magnesium in, 2:641
manganese in, 2:647–648
Mediterranean diet, 2:676
MyPyramid recommendations,
negative calorie diet, 2:708
Pritikin diet, 2:810
Sacred Heart diet, 2:847–848
WIC program, 1:553
Wigmore, Ann, 2:821
Wilder, R. M., 1:597, 600
Willett, Walter, 1:124, 473
Wilson’s disease, 1:228, 229
red, 1:162t, 165, 424–428
religion and, 2:828
Sonoma diet, 2:884, 885
Winfrey, Oprah, 1:110, 112, 320
Witch hazel, 2:802
Withdrawal, caffeine, 1:145
Witt, Doris, 1:24
Wolever, Thomas, 1:473
Wolfe, David, 1:441
APOA1, 2:719
celiac disease, 1:472
life expectancy in Europe, 1:190t
Medifast program for, 2:670
NutriSystem, 2:722, 723
osteoporosis in, 2:760, 761, 762,
as weight cyclers, 2:1005

See alsoLactating women;
Women’s nutrition, 2:1013–1015
calorie, 1:150t, 2:859
choline, 1:215t, 216
chromium, 1:217t
fiber, 1:382t, 521
fluoride, 1:390
fruit recommendations, 1:440t
magnesium, 2:639t, 641
manganese, 2:646t, 647
menopause diet, 2:679–683, 1014
niacin, 2:709t, 710
protein, 2:816t
riboflavin, 2:834–835, 834t
triglycerides, 2:935, 936
vitamin A, 2:964t, 966
vitamin B 6 , 2:968t, 969
vitamin C, 2:975t, 976
vitamin K, 2:987t, 988
water, 2:1003t
zinc, 2:1021t, 1023
World Anti-Doping Agency, 2:900
World Health Organization (WHO)
alcohol consumption, 1:425
artificial sweetener approval, 1:75
breastfeeding recommendations,
calcium recommendations, 2:764,
764 t
Health for All database, 1:189
iodine recommendations, 1:568
JECFA, 1:75, 398
MSG, 1:398
obesity, 2:737, 758
oral rehydration formula, 1:455,
osteoporosis, 2:763
spirulina use, 2:894
transfats, 1:377
traveler’s diarrhea, 2:931
vitamin A deficiency, 2:967
vitamin D recommendations,
weight definitions, 1:121
See alsoJoint Expert Committee
on Food Additives
World Vegan Day, 2:951
Wormwood, 2:802
The Wrinkle Cure(Perricone), 2:792

X rays
cancer diagnosis, 1:159
intussusception diagnosis, 1:566

osteoporosis diagnosis, 2:762
See alsoLower gastrointestinal
(GI) series; Upper gastrointest-
inal (GI) series
Xanthine dehydrogenase, 2:693
Xanthine oxidase, 2:693
Xenical Pharmacology, 2:758

Yale University, 1:537
Yarrow, 2:802
Yeast nutrients, 1:397t
Yerba mate ́, 2:886
Yersinia, 1:405, 2:1017–1020,
Yersiniosis, 2:1017, 1018
Yin/yang philosophy, macrobiotic
diet and, 2:633
Yo-yo dieting.SeeWeight cycling
You Can! - Steps to Healthier Aging
campaign, 2:862
Young adults.SeeAdolescents
Your Guide to Lowering Your Blood
Pressure with DASH(NIH), 1:249

Zeaxanthin, 1:177t, 178
Zelnorm (tegaserod), 1:579
Zen Macrobiotics(Ohsawa), 2:633
Zhand, Yuqing, 1:480
Zinc, 2:1020–1024
acne, 1:7, 8
ADHD, 1:11
copper, 1:229
lacto-vegetarian diet, 1:616
osteoporosis, 2:767
prostate health, 2:813
recommended amounts, 2:1021t
sources, 2:1021t
in spirulina, 2:894
as trace mineral, 2:691–692
Zinc deficiency, 2:692, 1023, 1024
Zinc finger motifs, 2:1020
Zinc supplements, 2:1023, 1024
Zinc toxicity, 2:1023
Zinczenko, David, 1:1, 2, 3
Zone diet, 1:360t, 524, 525,
Zone Food Blocks, 2:1025
Zutphen study, 1:425

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