physical health. It is also intended to improve the
emotional andmental healthof the dieter. Through
its emphasis on prayer and Biblical understanding it is
intended to provide better spiritual health. After the
40 days are over and the diet moves into its mainte-
nance phase, the diet is intended to help the dieter
maintain his or her improved physical, mental, emo-
tional, and spiritual health for a lifetime. Although
Jordan Rubin reports that following this diet caused
his Crohn’s disease to go into remission, it is not
intended to treat or cure any disease or condition.
There are many benefits to following a diet that
includes a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and
many whole grains. There is also significant benefit to
losing weight and getting more exercise. People who
get regular exercise are at a lower risk for heart disease
and other cardiovascular diseases than people who do
not get any exercise. Weight loss itself can have many
positive health benefits.Obesityis strongly associated
with many diseases and conditions, such as diabetes
and cardiovascular disease. People who are extremely
obese are at greater risk of these diseases and are likely
to have more severe symptoms. Weight loss can reduce
these risks and may even reduce the severity of symp-
toms experienced by people who have already have
been affected.
Rubin reports that his diet will enable dieters to
concentrate better, and will enhance their moods. He
also says that it can reduce arthritis pain and inflam-
mation, and can reduce the risk ofcancerand heart
disease. He also says that it can reverse the ‘‘acceler-
ated aging’’ caused by the way people eat and live
Anyone thinking of beginning a new diet should
consult a medical practitioner. Requirements of calo-
ries, fat, and nutrients can differ significantly from
person to person, depending on gender, age, weight,
and many other factors such as the presence of any
diseases or conditions. Pregnant or breastfeeding
women should be especially cautious because deficien-
cies ofvitaminsormineralscan have a significant
negative impact on a baby. The Maker’s diet requires
the addition of supplements to the diet. Pregnant or
breastfeeding women should be especially careful
when taking a supplement because too much of certain
vitamins or minerals can also be harmful to babies.
There are some risks with any diet. It is often
difficult to get enough of some vitamins and minerals
when eating a limited variety of foods. Usually taking
a supplement or multi-vitamin can help reduce this
risk. The Maker’s requires and recommends various
supplements. Supplements are not regulated by the
Food and Drug Administration in the same way as
prescription medicines. Taking any supplement carries
its own set of risks.
Research and general acceptance
Any diet that follows the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture’s MyPyramid guide recommen-
dations is generally accepted as a healthy diet for most
adults. In 2007 the Center for Disease Control recom-
mended that healthy adults get at least 30 minutes per
day of light to moderate exercise. Following this diet
will probably meet many of these recommendations
for most people.
There are many scientific studies showing that
weight loss can have positive effects on many aspects
of general health. There are also many studies showing
the positive effects of regular exercise on cardiovascu-
lar and general health. There are no significant peer
reviewed journal articles on the Maker’s Diet how-
ever. There is no significant scientific proof that the
diet can relieve arthritis or inflammation. The diet also
stresses organic foods, which it considers to be better
and more healthful than non-organic foods. This is
not necessarily always the case. The diet also empha-
sizes hand washing as an important part of hygiene.
Regular hand washing is generally accepted to lower
the chances of contracting and spreading disease.
Is the supplement suggested by this diet right for
me? Is there another supplement or multivitamin
that would be appropriate for me if I were to
begin this diet?
Is this diet appropriate for my entire family?
Is it safe for me to follow this diet over a long
period of time?
Is this diet the best diet to meet my goals?
Are there any sign or symptoms that might
indicate a problem while on this diet?
Maker’s diet