political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

constraints on policy making (cont.)
and institutional constraints 557
administrative procedures 564
class divisions560 1
Economic Development
Administration (USA)564 5
impact of policy studies on
institutionalist theory558 61
impact of previous policies559 60
independent agencies 562
interest groups558 9
juridical democracy562 3
neocorporatism 561
political bias 560
political procedures 562
polity’s structure 561
state 559
typologies of political systems565 7
veto players theory 567
veto points 567
interest groups23 4
and social and cultural factors:
bureaucratic agents580 1
categorization576 7, 582
Chicago school tradition574 6
cultural diVerences577 8
cultural notions572 3
cultural variety 573 ,576 81
direct observation of behavior582 4
general laws 576
impact of simple policy578 9
insider/outsider observation 573
language 582
priorexperiences 578
selectorate sensitive politicians579 80
solutions looking for problems22 3
see alsopath dependency; political
constructivism, and learning 379
consumer choice theory 753
consumer surplus 735
contestation, and meaning 195
contingent valuation (CV)751 2
and criticism of752 4
contracting out14 15, 16 ,
181 2
contracts, and regulatory regimes 654

and central control 14 ,17 18
and loss of 14
and networks485 6
and New Public Management 15 ,453 4
weakening of political control458 9
and organizational control 471
and public private interaction 507
and regulatory regimes657 8
and consensus building284 5
and dealing with problematic ends396 7
and globalization590 1
and learning 369
conversation, and persuasion 269
see alsodialogue and argumentation
conviction, ethics of 401
and civil society 625
and implementation 485
and inadequate voluntary
cooperation638 9
andmarkets 625
and practice413 15
and joined up government460 2
and networks 440
corporatism 429
corporatist welfare regimes 612
cost analysis 541 ,736 41
and cost feasibility analysis (CFB) 736 , 738
and cost utility analysis (CUA) 736 ,738 9,
and cost eVectiveness analysis (CEA) 736 ,
766 7
and decision making 737
and uncertainty737 8
see alsocost beneWt analysis; economic
cost beneWt analysis 541 ,739 41
and commensurability problem755 61
aggregation 757
health care756 7
preference establishment759 60
quality adjusted life year
(QALY)758 61

942 subject index

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