political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

and ethical questions714 16, 720
monopolistic 345
punctuated 346
and conXict between 401
and fundamental importance of709 10
and interviews 149
and policy actors 201
and questions of inclusion/exclusion:
anthropocentrism724 5
climate change720 4
economic policy717 20
future impact of policy710 13, 723
natural world724 6
no harm principle 722
spatial impact of policy713 16
and social experimentation 825
Ethics in Government Act (USA, 1978 ) 45
ethnic bias 170
European Commission, and agenda
control231 2
European Community 13
European Community Household Panel 301
European Court of Justice 231 , 246
andBarbercase ( 1990 ) 246
andBilkacase ( 1986 ) 246
andDefrennecase ( 1976 ) 246
European Monetary System 538
European Union 13 , 902
and Council of Ministers 231
and diminished democracy thesis243 4
andOpen Method of Coordination 19 ,
247 8, 381
and tax competition in 261
and transnational networks 434
see alsoEuropean Commission
evaluation of policy:
and avoiding political manipulation 328
and dealing with political nature of323 4
argumentative policy evaluation326 8,
evaluation asymmetries331 2
political dimension of evaluation 330
programmatic mode of
assessment329 30
rationalistic policy evaluation325 6

and evaluation bodies320 1
competition between 321
and frame reXection 332
and ideal typical structure of 320
and maintenance of academic rigor 328
and multiple evaluations320 1
and New Public Management 455
and political judgement319 20
and politics of321 3
blaming 322
issues at stake322 3
tactics used 323
see alsocost analysis; cost beneWt analysis;
economic valuation; economism;
impact of policy; social
event cascades, and dynamic processes 359
‘Everyday Maker’ 438
evidence based policy making 27 , 159
exchange rate policy, and ‘impossible trinity’
of policy choices537 8
exchange value 754 ,761 2
exclusion, and ethical questions:
anthropocentrism724 5
climate change720 4
economic policy717 20
future impact of policy710 13, 723
natural world724 6
spatial impact of policy713 16
executive dominance, and agenda
setting 209 , 217 ,223 4
existence value 754 , 761
expansive democracy 50
and dealing with problematic ends395 6
and policy change 375
see alsosocial experimentation
expertise, and competition for643 4
external cost, and market failure 629
Exxon Valdez 752

failed states 719
failure,seegovernment, and failure of;
market failure
family structure:
and impact of income transfer
programs 304

subject index 949
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