political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

holism, and coherence 114
homosexuality, in armed forces 898
Honda 514
Hong Kong 153
House of Lords reform 901
household formation, and impact of income
transfer programs 304
Hubbert thesis, and oil supplies886 7, 888
human nature, and political feasibility
544 5
human rights:
and advocacy coalitions 13
and future generations 713
and international law 246
humility, and critical listening136 7
humor, and critical listening 147

idealization, and conXict of ethics of
conviction/responsibility 401 2
ideas, and constraints on policy making 22
and critical listening132 3
and impact of public policy 179
and reconciling logics of action701 5
and rules of appropriateness 690
in action692 6
dynamics of696 700
and values disputes273 4
identity cards 899 , 900
ideology 196 , 262
and assumptive worlds 893
and New Public Management 455
immigration, as divisive policy issue 170
Immigration and Naturalization Service
(USA) 902
impact of policy296 7
and methods of assessment:
before and after comparison298 9
comparative studies 314
cross sectional method 299
diV erence in diVerence approach 298
diYculties with 314
holistic approaches299 300
insuYciency of economic theory313 14
model based evaluation 299
particular studies299 300
social experiments297 8

and public income transfer programs 297 ,
314 15
comparative approach305 8
impossibility of assessing304 5
pre post taxes and transfers
method300 5
see alsoevaluation of policy
implausibility, and nuclear systems
analysis793 5
implementation 211 , 218
and consensus building282 3, 286
and Economic Development
Administration (EDA)564 5
and learning 367 , 377 ,382 3
and organizational analysis 482
bottom up approach to484 5
discretion 484
interorganizational relationships 485
network theory485 6
synthesized approach to 485
top down approach to483 4
and policy design 482
and policy processes850 1
andpractice410 11
and street level bureaucrats410 11,
483 4
see alsopractice
‘impossible trinity’, and economic
policy537 8
and compliance with public policies 14
and inequality 617
and New Public Management 450
and tax cuts 535
and welfare policy 315
inclusion, and ethical questions:
anthropocentrism724 5
climate change720 4
economic policy717 20
future impact of policy710 13, 723
natural world724 6
spatial impact of policy713 16
income inequality:
and attitudes towards 617
and eYciency 749
and impact of income transfer programs:
comparative approach305 8

954 subject index

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