challenge for164 5
prime minister’s use of163 4
and policy making 893
and political context of155 7
and qualities required for 158
policy analysis:
and argumentative turn6 7
as art not science 893
and challenges for 184
and conXicting policy ends 110
and democracy169 70
impact of policy on 172
and economics729 30,741 2
and exercise of power154 5
and language to use 6
and methodology of263 4
and new policy ideas 22
and policy sciences 41 n 4
and policy making 893
and political context of155 7
and reason giving 7
and reXective potential of 329
and requirements of 65
and role 28
and self interest 908
and ‘speaking truth to power’ 7
and technocratic approach to 8
and training of analysts64 5
and undervaluation of41 2
and welfare economics741 2
see alsointerviews, and critical listening;
organizational analysis; policy
research, and methodology of;
policy change:
and change in policy objects 267
andinterpretation of history 904
and policy network analysis:
advocacy coalition framework436 7
decentered accounts 438
dialectical model 437
interpretative turn 437
strategic relational theory 437
and role of advocacy coalitions 24 , 25
and role of social movements24 5
and social learning374 5
paradigm shifts 375
see alsolearning
policy community427 8
and issue networks 428
policy design:
and computer modeling353 4
and implementation 482
and organizational analysis482 3
see alsopolicy instruments; policy
Policy Directorate (UK) 164
policy dynamics,seedynamics
policy ends:
and dealing with problematic ends:
casuistry 110 , 396
clarifying ideas394 5
convening396 7
cycling 110 , 396
separation 396
thought in action395 6
‘veil of vagueness’ 395
and deliberation 116
and instrumentalism:
mixed success of389 90
value choices 389
and lack of clarity 20
and problematic nature of 389
abstract ends 392
ambiguity 3912
conXictingaims390 1
distributive responsibility392 3
missing ends 394
unattainable objectives393 4
unwanted ends392 3
and resolving conXicting ends110 11,
Boston’s Ten Point Coalition117 19
coherence113 15
holism 114
Orme Dam dispute116 17
overlapping consensus114 15
and secondary reframing397 8
creaming 399 , 402
idealization401 3
oZoading397 8,399 401, 402
reclassiWcation400 1
resource scarcity 402
policy impact,seeimpact of policy
subject index 967