policy sciences: (cont.)
and origins:
democratic ethos 40 , 53
historical antecedents 40
Lasswell’s role39 40
and origins of, critique192 3
and policy analysis 41 n 4
and post positivism50 1
see alsopolicy research; policy studies
policy studies:
and action orientation of 6
and argumentative turn6 7
and bargaining 7 9
and deliberative turn9 10
and development of policy sciences43 4
and development of, universities 41
and institutionalist theory:
impact on558 61
implications of562 5
and language to use 6
and persuasion 5 , 20 ,27 8
and reXection 7 , 10
and relevance 5
and value laden nature of 5 6
see alsopolicy research; policy sciences
policy transfer 368 n 2
and learning 376
Policy Unit (UK) 163 , 165
policy units:
and challenge for164 5
and prime minister’s use of163 4
see alsopolicyadvice; policy analysis
political feasibility543 6
and Clinton’s health care initiative553 5
and context of 545
and embedded nature of concept 545
as excuse for inaction 545 6
as explanation of failure 546
and human nature 544 5
and interest groups549 52
causes of growth of 551
changing composition of550 1
growth of 550
impact of growth of551 2
power 552
and policy research methodology835 6
and power546 9
bargaining 548
as domination547 8
as eVective agency 547
exchange548 9
formal authority 549
political power548 9
theoretical conceptions of546 7
and role of concept 545
and scientiWc/logical barriers 543
and training in grand policy 82
see alsopolitical feasibility
political participation, and concern over
vitality of 171
political parties:
and government by discussion233 4
and negative feedback processes343 4
political science:
and energy policy876 7
and professionalization of 6
andstudy of public policy 40
and acceptability of policy896 7
and accountability 9
and administration 61
as ‘art of the possible’529 30
and bargaining theory8 9
and constraining markets 9
and degenerative politics 171
and deliberative democracy 9
and energy policy 877
and evaluation of policy321 3
argumentative policy evaluation326 8,
blaming 322
evaluation asymmetries331 2
frame reXection 332
issues at stake322 3
political dimension of 330
programmatic mode of
assessment329 30
rationalistic policy evaluation325 6
tactics used 323
and Lasswell’s deWnition of 8 , 23
and path dependent decision
making642 3
and patronage relationships 679 ,680 1
and policy:
970 subject index