and controversies in441 2
and dark networks 442
and deWnition of policy network 426 , 427
and descriptive account of 426
as governance429 30
as interest intermediation427 8
as interorganizational analysis428 9
and explaining change 436
advocacy coalition framework436 7
decentered accounts 438
dialectical model 437
interpretative turn 437
strategic relational theory 437
and governance:
disagreement over notion of435 6
epistemic communities 434
global governance 435
reality of networks 434
transnational networks434 5
and network management438 9
devising new tools for440 1
diVuse accountability439 40
enhancing coordination 440
institutional approach 433
instrumental approach 432
interaction approach432 3
managing the mix 439
and organizational analysis485 6
and policy communities427 8
and theoretical account of430 1
actor centered institutionalism431 2
power dependence 431
rational choice 4312
andUnited Kingdom (Queen’s speech,
2003 )899 901
and United States (State of the Union
speech, 2004 ) 899 ,901 2
policy processes:
and classes of issues 846
and democratic deWcits671 3
and governance, creation of systems
of846 7
and level of social organization 844
and social setting and comparison
of847 8
agenda formation 849
decision processes 850
implementation850 1
interpretation 852
policy products848 9
problem of interplay854 5
problem of scale853 4
relevant knowledge849 50
sources of compliance851 2
and stateless societies 846
see alsopolicy making
policy programs:
policy research, and methodology of263 4,
833 4
and communication840 1
and concern with change 833
and information sources833 4
and malleability835 8
changing public attitudes836 7
deWnition of 835
degrees of837 8
importance of 835
political feasibility835 6
and privacy and conWdentiality of 839
and scope of analysis838 9
and side eVects 834
policy sciences:
and access to policy makers 48
and characteristics of 63
multidisciplinary40 1
problem oriented 40
value oriented 41
and decentralization 50 ,52 3
and development of:
assimilation of new concepts51 2
deLeon’s interpretation of43 6
democratic theme 52
disappointment in46 7
energy crisis ( 1970 s)45 6
future of49 50
institutional framework42 3
moves into government oYces 41
Radin’s interpretation of42 3
social networks 50 , 51
Vietnam War44 5
War on Poverty (USA) 44
Watergate scandals 45
and dynamic nature of 49
and institutional viability of47 9
subject index 969