political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

preferences: (cont.)
criticism of752 4
and critical listening 132
and formation of:
adaptive preference formation 753
Citizen Juries674 5
deliberative democracy673 6
Deliberative Polling674 5
democratic deWcits 672
neighborhood associations675 6
Study Circles 675 ,677 8
Twenty First Century Town
Meetings 675 , 678
and gauging public opinion677 9
and health care:
rating scale759 60
standard gamble 760
time trade oV 760
and preference discretion 517 18
and public policy 753
and social experimentation 815
and hedonics 740
and service provision490 1
prime ministers, and role in policy
making161 2
use of policy units163 4
principal agent theory 235
and information asymmetry 631
and organizational structure 639
principles, and origins of policy 21011 , 21315
cross national transfer 214 15
power of 21314
role in policy borrowing 214
workfare 212
and agenda setting 238 41
and conXict over109 10
and critical listening 134
and training in grand policy 94
Prisoner’s Dilemma game 341
prisons, and mentally ill 398 , 400
prisons, private 182 ,397 8
and accountability 183
and avoidance of balanced budget
restraint 532

and growth of regulatory state 652
and origins of policy 213
and public management reform 651
and regulation 17 , 651 , 660
and welfare state retrenchment 867 , 869
problem deWnition 228
problem solving:
and bureaucracy 199
and Empowered Participatory
Governance681 2
and garbage can model 116 n 10
and integrative solutions 114 n 8 , 380 n 21
and nature of problems 893
and policy making 26
and problematic nature of 21
and solutions looking for problems22 3
see alsopuzzling, and policy analysis
procedures, and control of independent
agencies235 6
Proceeds of Crime Act (UK, 2002 ) 220
production discretion, and collaborative
governance515 16
productivity, and public private
interaction 506
and political science 6
and public policy 66
programmatic evaluation329 30
Programmed Planning and Budget System
(PPBS) 43 , 64
Progressive movement 345
and development of policy sciences 42
proportionality, and war 715
public administration:
and administrative discretion 63
and early schools of60 2
and postwar boom in62 3
and relation to politics 61
and study of public policy 40
Public Administration Clearing House
(Chicago) 62
public choice 626 ,732 3
and classes of issues 846
and governance844 5
creation of systems of846 7
government not essential845 6
and government 845

972 subject index

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