political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

and level of social organization 844
public diplomacy 836
Public Finance Initiative (UK) 498
public goods:
and non rival consumption goods627 8
and valuation problem 751
public income transfer programs:
and assessing policy impact 297
comparative approach305 8
impossibility of304 5
pre post taxes and transfers
method300 5
and impact of309 10,
314 15
on family care312 13
feedback eVects 303
household formation 304
on labor supply310 12
labour market 303 , 306
savings 304
US welfare reforms308 9
and paradox of redistribution 307 , 315 , 616
see alsoredistribution
public interest, and bureaucratic
interpretation of 63
public opinion, and policy research
methodology836 7
public ownership, and loss of conWdence
in 651
public policy:
and accountability182 3
and citizenship:
creation of dis/advantaged
populations 179
democracy gap179 80
impact on 178
impact on citizen identity 179
New Deal’s construction of dual 1789
andclassiWcation diYculties 902
and contemporary context for:
declining political participation 171
distrust of government 170
divisive policy issues170 1
and creating a just society169 70
and cross national policy studies214 15,
905 7
and deWnition of 892 , 894

and democracy8 9
democratic deWcits671 3
impact of national traditions 10
open public forums 174 ,177 8
relationship between171 3
service delivery180 1
and eclectic approach to907 9
and economics729 30
and eVectiveness of 76
and framing of issues:
crime176 7
Superfund legislation175 6
water policy174 5
and government, oYce seeking/
keeping894 8
and high modernist approach3 4, 6 , 8 , 10
andhistorical dimension902 5
and impact of 169
and impact on civil society 180
and level of social organization 844
and meaning of ‘policy’153 4
and persuasion 5
and policy portfolio898 902
Queen’s speech (UK, 2003 )899 901
State of the Union speech (USA,
2004 ) 899 ,901 2
and politics81 2
and reframing ends 389
and responsiveness to public
concerns 896 ,899 900, 901
and ruling 3
and support for 180
public schools, as divisive policy issue 170
public services:
and contracting out14 15, 16
and economic theory of theWrm:
employment relationship 16
produce/buy decision 16
and government as steering14 15
see alsoNew Public Management
public private interaction:
and growth in 502
and historical antecedents 500
and motives for private involvement 507
information 506
legitimacy 507
productivity 506

subject index 973
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