social settings, and creation of institutional
arrangements (cont.)
problem of interplay854 5
problem of scale853 4
relevant knowledge 849 50
sources of compliance 851 2
social spending:
and economic performance 614
and high income groups as
beneWciaries619 20
and income inequality 617
and middle class beneWciaries618 19
and pro poor bias 620
social wage, and distribution of 620
social welfare:
and consumer surplus 735
and cost analysis736 41
and eYciency730 3
and Kaldor Hicks compensation
principle733 4
and markets 731
and public choice732 3
and willingness to pay (WTP)734 6
criticism of 752
diminishing marginal utility 735
Spain, and income redistribution 301
speciWc egalitarianism610 11
spinning, political 394 , 896
St Louis Missouri River Fur Company 500
and policy analysis 251
and political legitimacy 895
see alsoordering devices
stages, and dynamic processes361 3
standard setting, and regulatory
regimes 654 ,656 7
and accountability 183
and consolidation of central500 1
and erosion of central501 2
and globalization 590
and organizational state 429
and policy making 559
and structure of traditional 448
state intervention:
and departures from optimality
625 7
and failures of voluntary
cooperation634 6
and imperfect alternatives646 7
and justiWcation of 632
and market failure 632
and non coercive strategies633 4
and norms634 6
and paternalistic intervention633 4
see alsogovernment, and failure of
State of the Union speech (USA, 2004 )901 2
steering, and government as14 15, 381
stimulus response theory 373 , 383
and network management440 1
and policy making260 1
see alsonarrative analysis
Strategic Air Command778 9
strategic policy, and Blair on159 60
see alsogrand policy, training of rulers in
strategic relational theory of networks 437
Strategy Unit (UK) 164
street level bureaucrats:
and discretion 484
andimplementation410 11, 483
bottom up approach to484 5
top down approach to483 4
and origins of policy221 2
and relationship with organizations 412
networks413 14
structural functionalism 862 , 863
Study Circles 675 ,677 8
subgovernments, and policy networks427 8
Suez crisis ( 1956 )903 4
Superfund legislation, and framing of
issues175 6
supranational organizations:
and regulation 652
and regulatory regimes 654
supranational rules, and enabling potential
of constraints245 7
surveillance society 472
sustainable development, and ethical
questions725 6
Sweden, and income inequality 304
Switzerland, and referenda 396
Sydney Opera House 331
symbols, and use of 574
978 subject index