political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

agenda formation 849
decision processes 850
implementation850 1
interpretation 852
policy products848 9
problem of interplay854 5
problem of scale853 4
relevant knowledge849 50
sources of compliance851 2
smart policy,seeNew Public Management
smoking 27
social capital:
and collaborative governance497 8
and concern over vitality of 171
social cohesion, and maintenance of 895
social constructivism, and argumentative
policy evaluation326 8
social democratic welfare regimes611 12,
Social Exclusion Unit (UK) 164
social experimentation806 7
and advantages of:
clarify trade oVs 814
consensus building 815
create inventories of information 814
data provision for policy ideas813 14
development of research methods 815
keeps policy ideas alive 814
legitimize existing preferences 815
provision of interesting work 816
real life testing of social theories815 16
and characteristics of807 8, 826
randomization807 8
testing of alternative policies826 7
and contribution of 827
realisticexpectations827 8
and decision making 812
and examples of:
health insurance experiment 810 , 814 ,
815 , 817 , 822 , 827
income maintenance experiments 810 ,
814 , 817 , 827
nursing home incentive
reimbursement810 12, 817 , 819 ,
822 , 827
welfare to work programs 810 , 817 , 827
and history of808 10

and impact on policy297 8
and limitations of:
abilities of researchers 819
heightened scrutiny819 20
impact on decision making817 18
misuse of researchWndings818 19
simplistic thinking 819
and narrowing of focus of826 7
and need for 827
and research limitations:
complexity of interventions825 6
design challenges820 2
ethical issues 825
expense 823
feasibility of random assignment824 5
limits on what can be tested 823
small eVects 824
timeconsiderations 822
Social Landlords’ Crime and Nuisance
Group (UK) 217
social learning372 3,374 5
and paradigm shifts 375
see alsolearning
social memberships 574
social movements:
and development of US welfare state 870
and frame analysis 258
and impact on policy making24 5
social networks, and policy sciences 50 , 51
social policy:
and high income groups as
beneWciaries619 20
and interdependence of360 1
and middle class beneWciaries618 19
and pro poor bias 620
and redistribution 607
see alsosocial experimentation
Social Research and Demonstration
Association (Canada) 816
Social Security Act (USA) 865
social settings, and creation of institutional
arrangements847 8
agenda formation 849
decision processes 850
implementation850 1
interpretation 852
policy products848 9

subject index 977
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