and redistribution616 17
and regulation 652
development of 655
dismantling of 656
organizational forms659 60
and Reinventing Government450 1
and State of the Union speech
( 2004 )901 2
and welfare reforms, impact of308 9
and welfare state:
Aid to Families with Dependent
Children 308 , 860 ,865 6
antipathy towards 865
assault on Medicare867 8
assault on social security
programs868 70
business/political mobilization
against 866 ,868 9,870 1
decentralized nature of 865 , 870
decommodiWcation 860
eligibility criterion 860 , 865 , 869
fragmented nature of 865 , 870
impact of political institutions 863 5,
impact of social movements 870
as liberal regime 871
market friendly nature of 860
neoliberal reforms 859
privatization 867 , 869
program cuts 866
response to popular discontent 870
retrenchment of860 1, 863 ,866 7
seealsoenergy policy; nuclear systems
United States Congress 818
and agenda control230 1
and independent agencies 235
and non decisions 232
and polarization of336 7
United States Institute for Environmental
ConXict Resolution (USIECR) 292
United States Supreme Court:
andBrown v Board of Education 390 n 1
andIndustrial Union Department (AFL
CIO) v American Petroleum Institute
( 1980 )239 40
and non delegation doctrine 237 , 396
andWhitman v American Trucking
Association( 1999 ) 396
universal jurisdiction 246
universalism, and welfare policy612 13, 619
universities, and public aVairs programs 41
see alsoKennedy School of Government;
schools of public policy
use value 754 , 762
utilitarianism733 4,758 9
and rule utilitarianism 763
vagueness, and dealing with problematic
ends 395
valuation problem:
and contingent valuation (CV)751 2
criticism of752 4
and environmental regulation 7502 , 755
andmarginalism 755
see alsocost beneWt analysis; economic
and conXicting policy ends390 1
and critical listening 132
and disputes over272 4
and instrumentalism 389
and policy sciences approach 41
and policy studies5 6
and precarious values392 3
and training in grand policy82 4
variety, cultural:
and bureaucratic agents580 1
and categorization576 7, 582
and coming to terms with576 81
and constraints on public policy 573
and cultural diVerences577 8
and direct observation of behavior582 4
and failure of simple policy578 9
and general laws 576
and language 582
and prior experiences 578
and selectorate sensitive
politicians579 80
veto players theory 567
veto points, and political systems 567 ,
639 40
Vietnam War, and development of policy
sciences44 5
subject index 981