Programming in C

(Barry) #1

B The Standard C Library

B The Standard C Library

THE STANDARDC LIBRARY CONTAINSa large selection of functions that might be
called from a C program.This section does not list all of these functions, but rather most
of the more commonly used ones. For a complete listing of all the functions that are
available, consult the documentation that was included with your compiler, or check one
of the resources listed in Appendix E, “Resources.”
Among the routines not described in this appendix are ones for manipulating the date
and time (such as time,ctime,and localtime), performing nonlocal jumps (setjmpand
longjmp), generating diagnostics (assert), handling a variable number of arguments
(va_list,va_start,va_arg,and va_end), handling signals (signaland raise), dealing
with localization (as defined in <locale.h>), and dealing with wide character strings.

Standard Header Files

This section describes the contents of some standard header files:<stddef.h>,
<stdbool.h>,<limits.h>,<float.h>,and <stdinit.h>.


This header file contains some standard definitions, such as the following:
Define Meaning
NULL A null pointer constant
offsetof (structure, member) The offset in bytes of the member member
from the start of the structure structure; the
type of the result is size_t
ptrdiff_t The type of integer produced by subtracting
two pointers

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