Programming in C

(Barry) #1
468 Appendix B The Standard C Library

size_t The type of integer produced by the sizeof
wchar_t The type of the integer required to hold a
wide character (see Appendix A, “C Language


This header file contains various implementation-defined limits for character and integer
data types. Certain minimum values are guaranteed by the ANSI standard.These are
noted at the end of each description inside parentheses.
Define Meaning
CHAR_BIT Number of bits in a char(8)
CHAR_MAX Maximum value for object of type char(127 if sign extension is
done on chars, 255 otherwise)
CHAR_MIN Minimum value for object of type char(–127 if sign extension
is done on chars, 0 otherwise)
SCHAR_MAX Maximum value for object of type signed char (127)
SCHAR_MIN Minimum value for object of type signed char(–127)
UCHAR_MAX Maximum value for object of type unsigned char(255)
SHRT_MAX Maximum value for object of type short int(32767)
SHRT_MIN Minimum value for object of type short int(–32767)
USHRT_MAX Maximum value for object of type unsigned short int
INT_MAX Maximum value for object of type int(32767)
INT_MIN Minimum value for object of type int(–32767)
UINT_MAX Maximum value for object of type unsigned int(65535)
LONG_MAX Maximum value for object of type long int(2147483647)
LONG_MIN Minimum value for object of type long int(–2147483647)
ULONG_MAX Maximum value for object of type unsigned long int
LLONG_MAX Maximum value for object of type long long int
LLONG_MIN Minimum value for object of type long long int
ULLONG_MAX Maximum value for object of type unsigned long long int

Define Meaning

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