Programming in C

(Barry) #1
int data type 525

Calculating the Absolute Value of an
Integer (6.1), 66-67
Calculating the Average of a Set of
Grades (6.2), 67-69
Determining if a Number Is Even or
Odd (6.3), 69-71
Revising the Program to Determine if a
Number Is Even or Odd (6.4), 71-72
if-else construct (if statement), 69-72
Determining if a Number Is Even or
Odd (Program 6.3), 69-71
Revising the Program to Determine if a
Number Is Even or Odd (Program
6.4), 71-72
Illustrating a Structure (Program 9.1),
Illustrating Arrays of Structures
(Program 9.6), 183-184
Illustrating Bitwise Operators
(Program 12.2), 286-287
Illustrating Pointers (Program 11.1),
Illustrating Static and Automatic
Va riables (Program 8.15), 157-158
Illustrating Structures and Arrays
(Program 9.7), 188-189
Illustrating the Modulus Operator
(Program 4.4), 35-36
ilogb( ) function, 485
Implementing a Revised Program to
Reverse the Digits of a Number
(Program 5.9), 61-62
Implementing a Rotate Function
(Program 12.4), 290-292
Implementing a Shift Function
(Program 12.3), 288-290
Implementing the Sign Function
(Program 6.6), 77-78
in-memory format conversion
functions, 478-479

include files, modular programming,
include statement, program syntax, 13
increment (++) operator, 49, 262, 268,
index number (arrays), 96
indirection, 235-236
infinite loops, 65
info break command (gdb debugger),
info source command (gdb debug-
ger), 409
init expressions (for statement), 45
characters, 107
elements, 106-108
multidimensional arrays, 114-115
of structures, 183
character strings, 201-203
structures, 180-181
union variables, 376
variables (static), 156-158
Initializing Arrays (Program 7.5),
programs, 9
single-character, 208-212
input/output operations.See I/O
inputting character strings, 206-208
instances, classes (OOP), 412-413
instruction sets, 5
int data type, 23
base notations, 23-24
converting to, 36-38
machine-dependent ranges, 24
ranges, 24
storage sizes, 24
valid examples of, 23

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