Programming in C

(Barry) #1
526 integers

base conversion via arrays, 109-111
constants, C language specifications, 427
pointers, 239-240
Integrated Development
Environments.See IDEs
International Standard Organization
(ISO), 1
interpreters, 10
Introducing Character Arrays
(Program 7.6), 108-109
Introducing the #define Statement
(Program 13.1), 300-302
Introduction of Object-Oriented
Programming, 3rd Edition, 503
isalnum( ) function, 473
isalpha( ) function, 230, 473
iscntrl( ) function, 473
isdigit( ) function, 230, 473
isfin( ) function, 482
isgraph( ) function, 473
isgreater( ) function, 482
isgreaterequal( ) function, 482
isinf( ) function, 482
islessequal( ) function, 483
islessgreater( ) function, 483
islower( ) function, 230, 473
isnan( ) function, 483
isnormal( ) function, 483
ISO (International Standard
Organization), 1
isprint( ) function, 473
ispunct( ) function, 473
isspace( ) function, 473
isunordered( ) function, 483
isupper( ) function, 230, 473
isxdigit( ) function, 473

J - K
JAVA programming language, inter-
pretive nature of, 10
joining tokens in macros (## opera-
tor), 313

auto, 124-126, 156
C language specifications, 426
enum, 321-324
static, 156
void, 128
Kochan-Wood Web site, 502
book exercises and errata resources, 501
Kylix (Linux IDE), 10

labels in goto statements, 373
labs( ) function, 490
ldexp( ) function, 485
least significant bit, 279
left shift (<<) bitwise operator, 287
length of strings, 471
less than (<) operator, 46-50
less than or equal to (<=) operator,
lgamma( ) function, 485
limits.h header file, 316, 468
linked lists
dynamic memory allocation, 387-388
pointers, 244-252
linking programs, 9
Linux, Kylix IDE, 10
list command (gdb debugger),
399-400, 409
llabs( ) function, 490
llrint( ) function, 486

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