Programming in C

(Barry) #1
OOP 529

multiple source files, compiling from
command line, 334-336
multiplication sign (*), arithmetic
operator, 30-33

data types (typedef statement), 325-327
files, 7
program constants, #define statement,
variables, 21
reserved names, 22
rules, 22
nan( ) function, 486
nearbyint( ) function, 486
negative numbers, 279-280
nested for loops, 53-54
nested if statements, 75-76
newline character (\n), program
syntax, 13
newsgroups, C programming
resources, 502
Newton-Raphson Iteration Technique,
next command (gdb debugger), 409
NeXT Software, 414
nextafter( ) function, 486
nexttoward( ) function, 486
not equal to (!=) operator, 46-50
null character (‘\0’), 199
null statement
C language specifications, 458
example of, 374-375
loop control, 374
programming uses, 374
null strings, 213-215
number_of_days( ) function, 171-174

absolute values, calculating, 129-131
Fibonacci, generation of, 103-104
negative, 279-280
prime, generating with arrays, 104-106
square roots, calculating, 131-133

object-oriented programming.See
Objective-C language
as basis for Mac OS X, 414
development history, 414
fractions program, writing, 414-419
Objective-C Programming Language, 504
octal character value (\nnn) escape
character, 217
octal notation, int data type, 23
omitting fields in for loops, 55
OOP (object-oriented programming),
C# language, development history, 422
C++ language, development history, 419
car analogy, 411-412
instances, 412-413
methods, 412-413
data encapsulation, 417
Introduction of Object-Oriented
Programming, 3rd Edition, 503
languages, 411
message expressions, 412-413
getters, 417
setters, 417
Objective-C language,Working with
Fractions in Objective-C (Program
19.2), 414-419
overview, 411-412
versus procedural languages, 413

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