Programming in C

(Barry) #1
530 openf( ) function modes

openf( ) function modes
append, 364
read, 364
update, 364
write, 364
opening files
binary files, 475
fopen( ) function, 363-364
operating systems
function of, 6
development of, 6
spin-offs, 6
Windows XP, 7
#, macro definitions, 312
##, macro definitions, 313
assignment operators, 15, 142-143
joining with arithmetic operators, 38-39
bit operators, 280
& (bitwise AND), 281-283
<< (left shift), 287
^ (bitwise Exclusive-OR), 284-285
| (bitwise Inclusive-OR), 283-284
C language specifications
arithmetic operators, 443-444
array operators, 447-448
array pointers, 449-450
assignment operators, 446
bitwise operators, 445
comma operators, 447
conditional operators, 446
decrement operators, 445
increment operators, 445
logical operators, 444
pointer operators, 448
relational operators, 444-445
sizeof operators, 447
structure operators, 448

structure pointers, 450
type cast operators, 446
comma, 378
conditional expression in macros, 310
evaluation order, 442
pointer operators, 236
precedence rules, 441-442
relational operators, 46-50
arguments, 385
dynamic memory allocation, 385-387
summary table, 440-442
type cast, 69
output operations
end-of-file conditions, 361-362
redirecting to files, 359-361

passing arrays to functions, 137-142
assignment operators, 142-143
multidimensional arrays, 146-152
perror( ) function, 477
plus sign (+) arithmetic operator,
pointer operators, 448
Pointer Version of copyString( )
function (Program 11.13), 266-267
pointers, 235
& (address) operator, 236, 260
* (indirection) operator, 236
arrays, 259-260
decrement (--) operator, 262, 268
increment (++) operator, 262
postdecrement operator, 269-271
postincrement operator, 269-271
predecrement operator, 269-271
preincrement operator, 269-271
program optimization, 263-264
sequencing through array elements, 261

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