Programming in C

(Barry) #1
statements 537

search methods
binary search algorithm, 223-227
lookup( ) function, 222-223
arrays of characters, 472
strings, 470-471
sed utility, programming functionality,
semantic errors in programs,
compiling, 7-9
semicolon (;)
#define statement, 306-307
program syntax, 13
set var command (gdb debugger),
398-399, 409
setters, methods (OOP), 417
shell programming language, 10
shift functions, 288-290
programs, Implementing a Shift
Function (12.3), 288-290
shift( ) function, 289
short specifier (data types), 28-30
Sieve of Erastosthenes algorithm,
prime number generation, 118
sign bit, 279-280
sign extension, data type conversions,
sign function
else if construct (if statement), 76-83
Categorizing a Single Character Entered
at the Terminal (Program 6.7), 78-80
Implementing the Sign Function
(Program 6.6), 77-78
signbit( ) function, 483
sin( ) function, 487
single quotation marks (‘)
char data types, 25-26
character strings, declaring, 195
single quote (\’) escape character, 217

single-character input, 208-213
Counting Words (Program 10.7),
Reading Lines of Data (Program 10.6),
single-dimensional arrays, 432-433
sinh( ) function, 487
sizeof operators, 447
arguments, 385
dynamic memory allocation, 385-387
sort( ) function, 143-144
sorting arrays, 143-146, 490-491
Sorting an Array of Integers into
Ascending Order (Program 8.12),
source programs, 7
specifiers (data types)
long, 28-30
long long, 28-30
short, 28-30
unsigned, 28-30
sprintf( ) function, 478-479
sqrt( ) function, 487
square roots, calculating, 131-133
square_root( ) function, 133
srand( ) function, 491
sscanf( ) function, 478-479
The Standard C Library, 501
#define, 299-303
arguments, 308-311
definition types, 306-308
macros, 308-311
program extendability, 303-305
program portability, 305-306
#elif, 318-319
#if, 318-319
#include, macro definition collections,
#undef, 319

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