Programming in C

(Barry) #1
538 statements

break, 62, 84
C language specifications, 456
break, 456
compound, 456
continue, 457
do, 457
for, 457
goto, 458
if, 458
null, 458
return, 459
switch, 459-460
while, 460
calling, 13
conditional compilation
#else, 316-318
#endif, 316-318
#ifdef, 316-318
#ifndef, 316-318
continue, 62-63
do, 60-62
for, 44-45
nested, 53-54
FORTRAN statements, 6
execution of, 373
programming abuse, 374
if, 65
Calculating the Absolute Value of an
Integer (Program 6.1), 66-67
Calculating the Average of a Set of
Grades (Program 6.2), 67-69
compound relational tests, 72-74
else if construct, 76-83
general format, 65
if-else construct, 69-72
nested, 75-76
include, program syntax, 13

example of, 374-375
programming uses, 374
return (functions), 126
switch, 84
Revising the Program to Evaluate Simple
Expressions,Version 2 (Program 6.9),
terminating, 14
typedef, data types, naming, 325-327
while, 56-60
static functions, 339
static keyword, 156
static variables, 156
initializing, 156-158
versus external variables, 339-340
stdbool.h header file, 469
stddef.h header file, 467
stderr FILE pointer, 369-370
stdin FILE pointer, 369-370
stdint.h header file, 469-470
stdlib.h header file, 490-491
stdout FILE pointer, 369-370
step command (gdb debugger),
401-404, 409
storage classes
functions, 452
variables, 452-454
different data types (unions), 375-378
time in programs, 177-180
values in arrays, 96
variables via dynamic memory
allocation, 383-384
strcat( ) function, 230, 470
strchr( ) function, 470
strcmp( ) function, 230, 470
strcpy( ) function, 230, 470-471
string functions, 470-472

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