Programming in C

(Barry) #1
summing array elements 539

string_length( ) function, 199, 272
string_to_integer( ) function, 228-230
character strings, 195
adjacent, 218
combining with array of structures,
comparing, 204-206
concatenating, 196
continuation of, 218-219
converting into integers, 228-229
copying, 266-267, 271
delimiting, 195
displaying, 201-203
escape characters, 216-218
initializing, 201-203
inputting, 206-208
length, 199, 272
pointers to, 266-267
testing for equality, 204-206
variable-length, 198-200
comparing, 470-471
concatenating, 470
converting to numbers, 479-481
copying, 470-471
length, 471
null, 213-215
searches, 470-471
searching, 471
strlen( ) function, 230, 471
strncat( ) function, 471
strncmp( ) function, 471
strncpy( ) function, 471
strrchr( ) function, 471
strstr( ) function, 471-472
strtod( ) function, 480
strtol( ) function, 480
strtoul( ) function, 481

structure operators, 448
structure pointers, 241, 450
arrays of, 182
combining with character strings,
defining, 182
initializing, 183
compound literal values, assigning,
containing arrays, 187-189
containing other structures, 185-187
containing pointers, 243-244
declarations, 166, 434-436
defining, 166-168
expressions, 168-171
function of, 165
functions, 171-174, 177
initializing, 180-181
pointers to, 240-243
linked lists, 244-252
Determining Tomorrow’s Date (9.2),
Illustrating a Structure (9.1), 166-168
Illustrating Arrays of Structures (9.6),
Illustrating Structures and Arrays (9.7),
Revising the Program to Determine
Tomorrow’s Date (9.3), 171-174
Revising the Program to Determine
Tomorrow’s Date,Version 2 (9.4),
time, updating, 177-180, 183
uses, 165
variants, 190-191
subscripts (arrays), 96
subtracting pointers, 272
summing array elements, 262-264

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