How to Study

(Michael S) #1

research-paper sources
book catalogs, 126
card catalog, 125
computer databases, 126
government publications, 126
Internet, 126
newspaper indexes, 126
periodical indexes, 126
vertical files, 126
retention, process of, 66–67
retention skills
scoring, 8
testing, 7–8
review, using in essays, 206
rewards, using as motivators, 24
Rowland, Robin, 130–132

changes in, 208–209
Critical Reading section, 208–209
Math section, 208–209
preparation courses, 210
Writing section, 208–209
scanning versus skimming, 51–52
scores, evaluating for initial
assessment, 13
search engines, choosing for
research, 130
secondary resources, using in
research, research–project
sources, 125
“seeing” versus “listening,” 28
self-testing, 185–186
seminars, primary emphases,
setting, explained, 60
shy students, tip for, 120
Simenon, George, 27
versus scanning, 51–52
tests, 186

sleep habits, considering, 36
sources, documenting for research
papers, 158–159
spelling, checking in research
papers, 166
Spignesi, Stephen, 6–7
standardized tests, taking,
state, using in essays, 206
studies, staying focused on, 39
study breaks, taking, 29, 32, 39
study clock, knowing, 91
study environment
creating, 28–32, 39
evaluating, 38
study groups
organizing, 32–34
participating in, 32–34
study habits
assessing, 4–5
developing, 16–17
study pace, setting, 43
study schedule
changing, 40
setting, 37
study sequence, identifying, 18
“To Study” sheets, creating for
tests, 185
study skills
evaluating, 2–5
questionnaire, 2–3
questionnaire results, 4
study strategy, identifying, 18
study strengths, determining, 42
study symbol, selecting, 39
study time, scheduling, 88–89
charting time for, 80–81
choosing times for, 36–37
considering sleep habits, 36
in empty classrooms, 35
with friends, 35

226 How to Study
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