at home, 35
at jobs, 35
at library, 34
as lifelong process, 17–19
with small kids, 40–41
smarter, 15–16
subheadings, examining, 51
subject areas, evaluation of, 44
success, concentrating on, 43
summarize, using in essays, 206
symbol, selecting for studying, 39
table of contents, 47
taking notes, 71
adapting to teachers’ styles, 106
in class, 10–11
in classes, 112–113
Cornell system, 117
guidelines, 114
in library, 11
M (My thought) symbol, 116
mapping, 117–118
online, 11
scoring skills, 11
skills assessment, 10–11
streamlining, 114–117
T! (Test!) symbol, 116
from textbooks, 10
on unknown information, 113–114
using diagrams, 117–118
using drawings, 117–118
using shorthand for, 114–117
using symbols in, 116
W (What?) symbol, 116
while reading, 68–69
prioritizing, 86–90
scheduling time for, 88
adapting to styles of, 106–107
compiling “profiles” of, 20
considering reputations of, 43
following instructions of, 19
knowing, 104–106
response to presentation, 20
understanding goals of, 105–106
technical texts
cause-effect relationships, 55–57
classifications, 55–56
comparing and contrasting, 55–56
creating drawings, 59
definitions and terms, 55
estimating answers, 59
examples, 55–56
focusing on retention, 58
key words, 56
learning terms, 57
listings, 55–56
organizational devices, 54–57
reading, 54–59
reading analytically, 58
reading thoroughly, 58
reading with a plan, 57–59
reviewing after reading, 58
rewording content, 58
skimming chapters, 58
teaching others, 59
tricks, 58–59
working backwards, 59
See alsotextbooks
term papers
adding personal notes, 150–151
beginning library research, 142–143
brainstorming, 158
checking facts, 163
checking spelling, 166
choosing topics for, 140–141
choosing search engines for, 130
Index 227